Chapter 3

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Taking a seat at the huge table in this five star restaurant, I smiled at everyone doing a simple wave. It was the day. The day that basically changed my life. This is when all the bullshit began to come in my life. This is when I thought things would get better, but they only got worse. This is when I slowly began to lose myself and get caught up in all the BS. This is the day our lives changed. We got signed today.

I remember sitting there at that table, looking at everyone and those huge smiles on their faces. We all were excited. Our parents were excited to see us achieving something we always wanted and we were excited that we were finally taken a huge step in our careers. But if I knew this shit would have got this fucked up, I would've never signed those papers.

"Hey, how's everyone doing today?" Keisha stated with a smile as she got seated in her chair.

"Good." We all said in unison.

"Great, I'm so glad we're all able to gather here this afternoon for this big event. I know this means everything to you all and this means everything to us as well."

This really did mean everything to us. We were finally getting signed to a major record label and all of our parents were there to support us. That all felt perfect at the moment.

"So, are there any questions?" Walter, apart of Interscope, questioned.

"Yes I have one, how long is this contract?" Nae's mother questioned.

"This contract is for 4 years. The girls will have to obey by this contract for these four years and it can not be broken by any means unless there is an very serious incident."

"Can we take a look at the contract?" Shi's dad questioned.


Kenneth passed the contract around and all of our parents began to read it. The girls and I had already read it, so we decided to just go in with more questions.

"So, when we sign over to you guys, what will be the first things we start working on? Will there be any hold ups?" Shi questioned.

"No, there most definitely won't be any hold ups. We want to get you ladies in the studio immediately." Walter stated making me smile. That sounded like life. I just love being in the studio and making new music.

"We want to start on new music with you ladies and of course we have to do some press and interviews once you girls sign over."

"We also want you ladies to be on this upcoming tour." Keisha added.

"Wait, you guys were serious?" I said with raised brows. I honestly thought they were kidding around when they said they wanted us to go on tour as soon as we sign.

"Yes mam'a. I don't know if you ladies know, but we also have a boy band signed to our label by the name of Mindless Behavior."

I was familiar with the name. I've heard of them here and there, but I've never met these boys personally.

"They've been signed with us for a few years now and they have a second headlining tour starting next month. I know it's kind of a short notice, but we'd love for you girls to be on it. We feel like that will be great for you girls."

I smiled wide, glaring over at Nae and Shi who held the exact same expression as I did. This all is sounding too good.

"So, tour as soon as we sign?" Nae questioned.

"Yes mam'a. The tour doesn't start until next month which gives you girls time to rehearse and get everything together." Keisha admitted.

"This all sounds too perfect." I stated with a grin. This all I've been wanting and asking for.

"This is perfect." Walter stated.

"We aren't trying to sign you girls over just to have you on hold. We're trying to get you girls out there even more, start new music, projects and we want you girls to be the best girl group in the industry. You girls will be the best girl group in the industry if you sign over to us."

I grinned once again, looking over at the girls. In that moment I honestly already had my mind up and from the looks on Nae and Shi faces they did too. We're signing to them. There's nothing more to talk about.

"Everything looks legit. This sounds good." My dad stated, sliding them the contract.

"So, are you ladies ready to sign? Are y'all ready to sign over to Interscope Records?"

Huge smiles spread across all of our faces before we said yes and began to sign off on that contract. The smile on my face was going no where. It was glued to my face as I flipped through that contract, putting my signature on damn near every line. I was excited.

I felt like I accomplished something. Like I finally reached a goal I've always wanted to reach. Being signed to this label I thought was a good step. I thought I was on the start of a new path. I thought I was moving forward. Well, so I thought. Sadly, I was just beginning to be torn down. This was a new path alright, a very new and horrible path.

Walter smiled wide while staring down at the now signed contracts. Keisha stood there with a satisfied smile on her face. Everyone was smiling at the moment. We've just signed to Interscope Records. Nobody could tell us anything!

"Congratulations ladies, you guys are now signed to Interscope Records. Welcome to the family." Keisha stated before our families began to cheer for us.

The girls and I just grinned like fools before we gathered for a group hug. A rush of excitement shot through my body as we hugged tightly. I was honestly trying not to crying. This meant so much to me. I never seen it coming. Of course Shi began to cry happy tears and that was enough to have me crying as well.

"Don't cry baby girl."My dad said pulling me into his arm and kissing my forehead. I wiped the tears from my cheek while sniffing.

"I'm just so happy and overwhelmed."I admitted.

"You deserve this baby, y'all all deserve this."My daddy stated, shooting Nae and Shi smiles. We really did deserve that. We had been working so hard and it finally paid off.

"Now that that's finished, it's time to get down to business." Keisha stated, catching everyone's attention. I dried my face as I gave her all my undivided attention.

"Tomorrow I want to put you girls right to work. Y'all will hit the the studio 6 am sharp, I have a interview planned for you guys in the morning as well and then after that I'll send you guys over to the dance studio to get started with your choreographer Ciara and also meet a few of your peers who you will be on tour with."

My eyes went a little wide, hearing all this happening already. This all sounded like a lot, but I was ready. I was ready to get down to work.

"I'm soo ready for this." Nae stated eagerly.

"I'm glad you are." Keisha responded, shooting her a smile.

"I just want to take the time and give you girls a few words. I know you girls are already in the industry, but things will go a lot different for you guys now that y'all are signed. A lot of more people are going to be watching you guys moves, keeping up on you guys. I just want you girls to remain positive and don't let this industry nor the now fame and money get to you. Stay humble."Keisha uttered seriously.

"Once you get known in this industry, things our going to be crazy. There's going to be people who want to see you fail. There's going to be people trying to persuade you to do horrible things. There's going to be boys, parties, drugs, drama, and most of all rumors. But you can't let none of these things get to you. You have to stay focused and stay true to yourself. No matter who hurt you. No matter who don't like you. Stay true to yourself. And never change who you are."

I listened to those words come out of Keisha's mouth and of course the first thing I was thinking is of course I'm going to stay humble. Of course I'm going to remain the same. I'm not going to let this industry, money, fame nor boys get to me. I'm going to stay focused. But then I turned around and went against all my words. I went against everything I promised myself.

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