Chapter sixty-five

Start from the beginning

This cold feeling made my neck hair stand straight, my body and mind were in panic mode. The place I'm in reminds me of very bad things that just don't happen to everyone only in movies. Yet here I was.

When I look at him questioningly, he spat with scowling features, "Here you work." Snarling he throws me a disgusting look, his grey eyes were so cold, threatening and empty. I flinched then can't breathe because I know what he means.

This room looked exactly like those motels or strip clubs where women sell their bodies.

"No." I shout disapproving, hoping my face displayed the outrageous feelings I felt for him and this place.

He raised his eyebrow and pulled a syringe from his leather jacket's pocket, I take a step back which made him smirk.

"Work or I give you drug." he spoke with his broken English. I take another step back then nod quickly despite that I didn't want to.

I couldn't be drugged again, that feeling was the worst I'd had to encounter. Not being able to control your body, not being aware of what is happening around's dark and so twisted and I hope I don't get to feel that ever again.

He left closing the door with a key so I wouldn't be able to escape. I'm lucky that he left but I wasn't completely safe.

"No, no, no." I whisper to myself.

There's only a small window very up and impossible to reach.

What will I do?

I search for anything to protect myself only finding a weird looking comb, at least I could scratch someone with it since it was sort of sharp though I doubt it will help much.

Someone will come here and take what they want while I will be defenseless, I know I can naturally put up a fight but I was too weak from the lack of food.

And I can't stop thinking about Zayn. My mind seems blind to anything but him at dangerous situations, always finding a way to remember, miss and long for his care. I'm afraid that if I don't think about him I will forget about his gorgeous face, his pretty eyes that had made me melt so many times for him. And I'll remain within his reign until I will verify he is gone for good. There's just so much I can't let go of...

The door's handle squeaking makes me return back to now, my lips quivering in fear as my whole body froze.

I gulp then frown at the man in front of me.

"You?" my voice broke, tears threatening to spill once the person got closer inside the room, striding strictly and standing tall while I get a clear look at the last person I thought I'd see, my mouth parting slightly in shock not knowing whether to feel safe or alarmed.


***Alice's POV***

I run to the big living room because I'm searching for Liam. He had left earlier for reasons unknown to me, when my eyes spot him sitting on the couch I relax.

"Why aren't we going to get her now? I saw Harry and Niall came not long ago with back up." I question hastily, then I'm scowling at his relaxed facial expression.

"I'm working on it." he smoothly told me leaning comfortably on the couch but is having his phone clutched in his hands waiting for response from God knows who.

"What did he say?" I asked hopefully.

He's been acting so suspicious, always on his phone.

He mumbled to himself something before he answered, "If everything goes as I've planned it we're getting her out tomorrow."

My tense shoulders quickly ease off. Finally something good. I couldn't sleep a single minute because I was so scared for her. I had tried to escape and search her alone but Liam knows me too good, preventing me in time.

I'm not letting him in peace though, and he looks too laid back.

"But it has to be earlier." I counter beyond frustrated with him, he shrugged, "Liam why are you so calm all of the sudden?" I anxiously ask.

He's hiding something. Or maybe he's finally gone nuts because of Zayn's departure.

"I'm close to get control over the gang in a few days." he responded solemnly. I know he had to call more of their connections to know if he will have support from them even now.

"Really?" There's accusation in my words because he should have tried to get it back a lot earlier, Zayn's dream wish for us to live happily ever after would never work. They got themselves in it, you can't get out. "You make it sound like you have a trick down your sleeve." I mocked having enough of this uncertainty, I despised over thinking, but he always likes to keep his plans to himself, a glare twitched his face, I hold the eye contact though.

"You bet I do." he retorted clenching his jaw and then his phone lightens up again. Once his eyes lay on it they bulge and he then types in it fast.

What the hell is he doing?

"Where are you going?" I inquire when he stands up fastly then practically ran to the door."Liam, you can't leave when we will go get her tomorrow first things, I need you home." he keeps sprinting, ignoring me but I shout, "I said-"

"The trick on my sleeve has come up." he yelled back in a tone that was far too hopeful as he disappeared.

I stood there with wide eyes not knowing what he meant.

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