"What's the second?" Scott asks.

"Some kind of symbol," Derek says, handing Scott a piece of paper. I only get a glimpse of it, but it's enough to recognise it.

"Give that to me," I say, and Scott hands it over, giving me a knowing look. I study the symbol on the piece of paper and yeah... I know what this means. It means that - unless Derek's lying about the evidence - my family has something to do with the alpha, something more than just hunting it. And we need to find out what.

"What?" Derek asks. "You know what this is?"

"I've seen it on a necklace," I just say.

"Allison's necklace," Scott tells him, and I nod.

"Is there any way you can get it?" Stiles asks me. "Or is there something else you know about it?"

"It's a family heirloom. It belonged to me for a short while after-" I glance at Derek, see that his eyes no longer have that harsh, agressive look in them, weirdly, and continue. "After the fire. I wore it until they started training me. Really, it's constantly been passed around."

"When did they start training you?" Stiles asks, carefully.

"As soon as I moved in with my aunt," I say. "She read me fairy tales," I smile.

The boys don't understand, but I've always kind of known how Kate always chose the stories that were in her favour, the ones that involved big bad wolves and heroic hunters.

"I've always loved them," slips out before I realise that this is not any of their business. I change the subject.

"I can't exactly ask to borrow the necklace or something, because she'd definitely get suspicious. I never borrow her stuff. I could have a look in her room, see if it's there, that is if she's not wearing it all the time. You know, I think even Scott would have better luck getting the necklace, and he's not even on good terms with her."

Scott shakes his head.

"This is impossible."

"Why don't you just talk to her?" Stiles asks him.

"She won't talk to me. What if she, like, only takes it off in the shower or something?" Scott asks, and it frustrates me that I never payed attention to whether that's true or not.

"That's why you ease- that's why you ease back into it, okay? Get back on the good side, remind her of the good times. And then you ask for the necklace," Stiles says, but then he notices that Scott isn't paying attention. "You're thinking about her in the shower, aren't you?"

"Yeah," Scott says, making me hit him on the back of the head.

"All right, stay focused, okay? Get the necklace, get the Alpha, get cured, get Allison. In that order. Got it?" Stiles asks.

"Get the necklace," Scott nods.


School passes surprisingly quickly, despite how tired I am. I think it's mostly because a few interesting things happen, like Scott miserably failing to get closer to Allison and instead creating even more distance between them, Jackson using Scott's advanced hearing to taunt him during lunch, and Jackson knowing Scott's secret and threatening to tell everyone. It worries me, but there's currently nothing we can do to stop him. Oh, and he also broke up with Lydia. The asshole.

At home, it takes a few hours before I venture into Allison's room, empty for the moment. I stand still at first, looking around to find places where the necklace could be. My eyes roam over the desk, the nightstand, the bed, the floor... nothing. Well, at least I tried.

Maybe I Was Wrong (Teen Wolf: Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now