"They invited him for Emma," Robin said.

Snow nodded. "And you're here because Regina wanted you to be. Because you would make it more bearable for her."

"Why do I have a feeling you're trying to tell me something?"

"You're going to make me spell it out, aren't you?"

Robin tilted his head. "I'm afraid yes. I don't know what you're getting at."

"Why are you hugging the wall rather than dancing with Regina?" Snow pointed to the queen, who was now in the arms of Prince Charming. Regina looked comfortable as he spun her around, though Robin noted she wasn't smiling.

He frowned and glanced down into his wine. "I can't dance. Not like this."

"They're not as complicated as they look. And I'm sure Regina will help you." Snow took his goblet and placed it along with hers on the tray of a passing servant. She held out her arm. "Let's go cut in."

Snow guided Robin across the floor, weaving in between the other couples dancing around them. Charming smiled as they approached and slowed his steps. "What's wrong?" Robin heard Regina ask.

He motioned with his head and she turned around, smiling when she saw Robin. Snow smiled as well as she asked, "May we cut in?"

"Of course," Charming responded, exchanging Regina's hand for Snow's. He pulled his wife close and resumed the dance, gliding away from Robin and Regina.

Robin panicked. Regina seemed to understand as she placed his hand on her waist and took the other in hers. "Don't worry. Just do as I say, okay? Now, led with your left and follow my count."

She muttered the count under her breath as Robin tried to keep up while not making a fool of himself. He stepped on Regina's skirts a few times and he had to tighten his hold on her to keep her from falling. "I'm sorry, milady," he said. "Maybe I should sit the dancing out."

"You're doing fine. Just don't worry so much. It's just a dance," Regina told him, raising his chin so their eyes could meet. "And I'd rather stumble around with you than glide with anyone else."

"You're just saying that."

"Would I?" Regina tilted her head, sincerity and truth in her deep brown eyes. The ones he was always able to read, even when she tried to close herself off.

He smiled, shaking his head. "No, I guess not."

"I have an idea. Follow my lead," she instructed.

Robin leaned close to her ear. "Always, milady."

"Good." Regina guided him toward the edge of the dance floor and for the first time, he didn't feel like he had been born with two left feet.

Regina led him into an empty corridor before stepping away, holding his hand. "Come on. I think this leads to the courtyard."

"Shouldn't we stay at the ball?" Robin glanced back to the crowded room, finding it the last place he wanted to be. But they were trying to make a good impression in order to find Merlin for Emma's sake. "Won't we be missed?"

"I highly doubt it. Arthur and Guinevere are more focused on Snow and Charming rather than us. And for once, I'm willing to let them handle it if it means I just get to spend time with you." She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head against his chest.

He wrapped one arm around her, resting his hand against her back, while using the other one to let her dark hair free from the pins holding it up. The curls fell around his fingers and he kissed the top of her head. "Do you think we can sneak away and spend the rest of the night with Henry and Roland?" he asked.

"While that sounds tempting, I'm afraid not. If this goes well, we could end up having a private audience with King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. I promised Snow and Emma I'd be there. And I hope you'd be by my side."

Robin bit his lip as he smiled, nodding. "For you, anything."

They stayed in the dark and empty corridor longer, just wrapped around each other. For a few moments, he wondered if Regina had fallen asleep on him. She hadn't been sleeping well, he knew. Every night he'd wake up to find her tossing and turning beside him. Regina would tell him the bed was too uncomfortable, that she had gotten used to mattresses in the Land Without Magic. But he knew the truth—she was having nightmares. He just didn't know if they were about Emma becoming the Dark One or if she was reliving her death in that other world, like he did on a nightly basis. But he never pressed her, knowing she would tell him the truth on her own time. Instead, he just held her until she fell asleep and the evenness of her breathing lulled him back as well.

"Regina?" he asked, softly. "Are you sure you don't want to go back to our rooms for a little bit? Maybe take a nap? The ball shows no sign of winding down."

Music still wafted down from the ballroom as did the undercurrent of chatter and laughter. They could get a good rest and he could ask Hook to come fetch them should they be needed.

She lifted her head and shook it. "I'm fine right here."

"Are you sure you don't want to sit? You've been on your feet all night."

"I'm fine, Robin." She wrapped her arms around his neck, rising up to press her forehead to his. "Let's just dance here."

He chuckled. "I think I can do that."

They swayed in time to music that only existed in their heads, Robin's strong hands resting on her waist. She closed her eyes again, a soft smile on her pink lips. Giving in, Robin gave her a quick peck on them.

Regina's eyes fluttered open as her smile widened. She pressed her lips against his again, deepening the kiss as he tangled his hand in her hair. They staggered around a bit before Regina ended up pressed between Robin and the wall as she smiled against his lips.

She was about to pull away to suggest that maybe she did need some rest and that no one would probably miss them for, say, an hour when someone cleared their throat a few feet from them. Robin pulled away as Regina turned to find Emma standing there, smirking though her cheeks were painted pink.

"If you two are done, Arthur and Guinevere are ready to retire. We've been instructed to wait a dance and then retire as well. Got it?" Emma asked.

Regina nodded. "We'll be right behind you and your parents when you leave."

"Thank you, Regina." Emma glanced over at Robin. "I'm sure you'd rather be someplace else."

"I assure you the only thing we want to do is help you," Robin said, pulling Regina closer. "The both of us."

Emma smiled, nodding. "I'll see you in a bit."

Robin turned to Regina. "You ready, milady?"

"I just need to do one more thing." She rose up again, kissing him one more time as she tugged on his collar. When she pulled away, she ran her hand down his tunic as she smoothed out any wrinkles. "You belong there with us, remember that."

He smiled holding out his arm to her. "Shall we, milady?"

"We shall," she replied, taking his arm with a smile of her own.

They headed back toward the ballroom as Robin hoped the meeting with Arthur and Guinevere was quick so he could take Regina back to their rooms. He wasn't finished...dancing...with her just yet.

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