Dear Players...Chapter 5

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                “So you want to be married to me?” Brandon says with a smirk and then starts wiggling his eyebrows. I throw some corn at him and he immediately frowns.

                “In your dreams.”

                “More like yours.”

                “More like a nightmare.” I counter before continuing, “I want a quick divorce though. So I can keep the ring and then sell it on ebay.”

                It’s worth a lot too. It has tiny diamonds surrounding a huge one and like I said before I can tell it’s 24 K gold.

                “It’s my deceased grandma’s ring! You have to give it back!” Brandon whines.

                I’m about to give it back because let’s face it, I’m not that mean, who am I to mess with a family heirloom, and his puppy dog face is really beyond cute, when I realize I can get something out of this.

                “Fine I’ll give it back.”

                His face brightens.

                “But, you’ll have to work for it.”

                His face falls and I almost laugh.

                The bell rings just as Brandon says, “You have one devious mind, Chloe.”

                “Thank you!” I say as I throw my barely touched lasagna out and leave the cafeteria.

                After lunch nothing new came up. Math was extremely yawn worthy and Spanish was even worse considering I already know it. What has me a little excited as well as nervous is science. Science is the only class that I have all the boys in and I can tell it will be anything except a good snooze.

                So I walk into the classroom Becka hot on my trail. As soon as walk in I see Dan, Brandon, and Nick sitting at a black marble table in the corner. As soon as Dan sees us he starts waving like a maniac. I swear that boy will dislocate his shoulder one day.

                I’m about to walk over when Becka stops me. She gives me a pleading look, but before we can go anywhere else Dan gets out of his seat, throws Becka over his shoulder, and motions for me to walk forward. Becka knows it’s useless to fight against him so she simply slumps on top of him. I can see her putting all her weight on him, but he doesn’t even notice. When we reach the table Dan starts lowering Becka down and she takes this as her chance to kick him where the sun don’t shine.

                Dan doubles over in pain in his seat as Becka smiles smugly. I don’t know whether to laugh or feel bad for Dan so I simply take the seat closest to me. The seat happens to be next to Nick. When Becka goes to sit down she realizes that both seats left are next to Dan.

                “You did this on purpose,” she mouths.

                I simply smile innocently as she grudgingly sits next to Dan. I watch as he scoots a little away from her and I can’t help but laugh. Becka looks smug again. Every thing’s fine until Becka wants to sharpen her pencil.

                “Dan you’re in my way can you please go sharpen it?” she asks batting her eyelids.

                “Ah-ha-ha, no.” he responds.

                “But I said please!” Becka whines sounding like a five year old.

                “Let me think about it. What have you done for me? Oh that’s right you kicked me in the nuts!” Dan says in exasperation.

                Becka scowls while I laugh. I mean this is seriously funny from the sidelines.

                “I shouldn’t have to do anything for you. You should be selfless.” Becka states.

                “It’s your pencil.” Dan says adding emphasis on the word your.

                “Pweaseeeee.” Becka says smiling innocently.

                Nopeeeee.” Dan says mimicking her. She immediately frowns.

                “Maybe I should kick you again!” she threatens.

                “Ha, too late I already crossed my legs!”

                “So you still have a shin or I can stomp on your foot. Hmm, decisions, decisions.”

                “You are such a bi-“

                That’s when I know it’s time for me to step in.

                “Dan, keep it PG! Becka, give me the dang pencil.” I say my voice sharp and full of authority.

                Dan hangs his head and Becka rolls the pencil over to me before hanging her head too.

                “See, Chloe is nice.” I hear Becka whisper at Dan.

                “Chloe is just a pushover.”

                “And you’re a jerk!”

                “GUYS!” I yell and they fall silent. I can still see them glaring at each other though. Wow, they are such a hopeless cause.

                I make my way to the pencil sharpener which happens to be by the door. When I’m satisfied with the pointy quality I turn to go back. The warning bell rings and Hank rushes in. He sees me and smiles. I find myself smiling back, but I quickly stop and start walking away.

                When I walk past him he reaches out and grabs my wrist.

                “I have something for you.” He whispers against my ear; his breath caressing the side of my face.

                “Yeah?” I say my voice confident and strong. I will not let him get to me.

                He seems surprised but then hides it with a smile. He pulls his other hand from behind him and reveals the nicest roses I’ve ever seen. He’s only holding two; a red one and a yellow one. But as I look closer at them I realize something.

                “Those are Mrs. Cynthia’s roses. Her backyard is right behind the school!”

                “I know.” He says smirking.

                “You thief.”

                “All’s fair in love and war.” He says giving me one of his pearly white smiles. I choose to ignore his comment.

                “Wait a second she has like five, vicious Rottweiler’s!” I exclaim shocked and slightly concerned that he would risk guard dogs for two roses.

                “Exactly.” He replies looking straight into my eyes with his own blue ones. They truly are incredible; like if someone painted the sky in them.

                I. Am. Touched.

                But of course I don't say that.

              "Cheapo." I say before walking back to the table to give Becka's pencil back.

A: So I bet that’s not what you expected Brandon or Hank to do! I like to keep it fresh, hehe. Anyways please vote, comment, and fan! You know how much I like those votes lol :D

Also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check out my new story What’s Mine Is Yours…Unfortunately. THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT AND IF YOU CHECK MY NEW STORY OUT! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST FANS EVER:{D <smilie face with french mustache, oh yeah! hehe>

Stories From 2011 (Dear Players, What's Mine, Queen Bee)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon