~44~ The one with the word vomits and perfect timings

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"Well, hello to you too."

I was pretty sure I was dreaming, because this person hadn't called me for like what, two years now. Two whole freaking years.

I am dreaming, for sure. Yep. I could wake up any time now to my alarm clock blaring and--

"Hello?" I heard them ask again "hello? You there?"

And that was the last straw.

I slapped myself, hard. Harder than I'd intended causing my cheek to singe in pain and I hissed helplessly.

"Nope, not dreaming." I said, rubbing my cheek "this is reality. I'm really attending a phone call. And it really is you.." I trailed unsurely "Ayaan.."

I was half expecting him to throw a sarcastic remark at me, mock me about slapping myself like an idiot. But that's something the old Ayaan would do.

Only, this wasn't him.

"Yeah." he trailed, and I could tell he was holding back a sarcastic remark "I was meaning to call Kanika. Sorry, looks like I--"

"Ah, case solved. I admit, You got me surprised there for a minute having me think that you'd actually called me. For real." I joked "You butt-dialled, that makes sense."

There was a short silence on the other end "Why would you think that?"

"What?" I let out a little laugh "are you seriously asking me that question? Why would I think that, oh let me see.." I pretended to reflect "Oh yeah, maybe because we haven't talked properly in two bloody years. Or maybe because you've been a complete butt to me in this time. You decide." my voice had apparently increased one decibel with every word and now I was basically screaming at him.

"I don't do that. You're delusional." he said

What's sad was it wasn't even like he was defending himself. It was like he was saying it for the heck of it.

"Yeah right, because I'm so convinced. Totally believing you" I sarcastically say, my temper rising.

"What are you trying to--"

"Ayaan, what I'm trying to say is.." I sighed "Just stop. Please. This can't go on forever. Stop ignoring me."

"Who gave you that idea? Ignoring you?" he said dryly "like I said, you're delusional. Anyway, I gotta go." he said and then added under his breath but just loud enough so I could hear "why couldn't I have just called Kanika instead? Would've saved me all the drama."

It broke my heart to see that my brother didnt want to talk to me. But I wasn't going to let him hang up this tinge. I'd had enough. There was only so much hurt a person could keep pent up in them. And I had reached my limit.

"See? This is exactly what I was talking about." I said loudly "you never talk to me properly. You're always making excuses, dammit! Bloody excuses, that's all."

"Kritika, don't use that tone on me. And quit being so dramatic." he said, anger finally evident in his voice

"Believe me, I'm glad I used that tone on you. See? I got a reaction from you. Got a proof that you aren't completely dead on the inside. That there's still some human left in you." I scoffed "and I'm being dramatic? I'm being dramatic? Okay, well I'll stop being dramatic when you stop being so.. so.." I struggled for a word

"I stop being so what?" he said irritatedly

"Selfish. Yeah, that's what. Freaking selfish." I said bitterly "you just think about yourself right? At the end of the day it's all about how you feel. How you were hurt. How Aakansha left you." I said before I could stop myself

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