~38~ The one with the flying pigs and triangles

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Hey hey hey :D
Here it is

I hope you like it x


"Holy f--" The taxi swerved a little as the driver jerked, momentarily shocked by sudden spurt of coldness hitting the back of his head.

I coughed profusely, pretty sure that I had water in my nose. Ugh.

"Are you okay?" I heard Liam ask "Hello? Are you still there?"

"I'll call you back in a minute." I managed to wheeze out, before hanging up "I'm so sorry, sir." I said to the taxi driver who was wiping the back of his head with a small towel like cloth. He looked more shocked than angry.

"Are you trying to get yourselves killed, miss?" he said angrily. I avoided looking at him and I heard him mutter something under his breath.

I sank lower in my seat, highly embarassed. Way to go, my sub conscience muttered. I hope he doesn't kick me out of his cab midway.

Or worse, kill me and dump my body in the ocean.

My thoughts were running wild and I decided to call Liam back to distract, and possibly calm myself. He picked up the phone after the first ring.

"What was that about?" he questioned

"What? No hello?" I joked immediately scrunching up my nose afterwards as I felt a sneeze coming up.

Having water in your nose isn't the most pleasant feeling in the world.

"First tell me what was all that a--" he was cut off by my sneeze "bless you."

I sniffed, rubbing my nose "first you tell me what that was about." I said, feeling another sneeze come up "the Brianna thing."

"Oh, that." he muttered

"Yeah, that." I said, my face still scrunched up. You know that feeling when you can sense a sneeze coming up and it's like someone's tickling your nose with a feather? I was having that feeling right now "are you seriously going to tell her? That you.. you know."

"Yes.." he trailed "I mean, yes! I'm going to tell her." he said "Why? aren't you happy?"

"Of course I'm happy." I managed to say. Why wouldn't the sneeze come up already? To anyone who would look at me right now, It'll pretty much seem like I was constipated or something.

"But you don't sound happy." he pointed out

"That's because.." I stopped abruptly, feeling the sneeze come up "Atchoo!" the tickling in my nose subsided a bit "This. I had to sneeze but it just wouldn't come and be gotten over with."

There was a long pause "Okay.." he trailed "anyway, I was saying, are you really really happy?"

"Why does my opinion even matter that much?" I countered, rubbing my nose which was surely red by now.

"Just answer my question." he pressed "are you not happy?"

"Are you kidding me? I'm freaking ecstatic, Liam." I exclaimed "it was about time really. I was tired of having you make googly eyes at her."

"I don't make googly eyes." he protested

"Suuuure." I dragged.

"I don't." he repeated.

"Totally believe you." I said dryly "so.. when?"

"When what?"

"When are you planning on telling her, you dummy."

Never Been Kissed || Liam Payne (Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang