Chapter 20: Draw Away the Pain (May's POV)

Start from the beginning

                I placed a hand over my heart in mock hurt, “That one hurt, Liam. It really wounded me.”

                He stuck his tongue out at me childishly. “Sucks.”

                I grabbed his tongue, smirking. His eyes widened, and Liam tried to talk. “Mam! Lef go of myf tounfe!”

                “Say I’m amazing.” I said, somehow understand him. Maybe it was the fact this hasn’t been the first time I’ve done this, I knew exactly how Liam worked. We spent our entire lives together, we knew each other inside out, and of course I knew how Liam worked! I could also tell he was still hung up on Niall, but was trying to hide it for my sake. Probably thought that I was hurting more (yeah, I was still hurting, a lot, but my best friend was hurting too. I’m not going to worry about myself until he’s dealt with. My feels can go back deep inside, bottled up somewhere) and need attention.

                “You’rugh Amamzing.” He said, deadpan. Little butt was being sarcastic, but I dropped his tongue anyways. “You still suck.”

                I shrugged. “I’ve got you, Lee, and Owen. I’m set for life.”

                “Yes, because the normal person doesn’t need water, food, shelter, or money. Just three people.” He said sarcastically, but I could tell his eyes were shiny with tears- and not unhappy ones, for once. Today was just a depressing day.


                Tomorrow was one better. Since we went into town on Friday, we had to go to our Friday classes, on Saturday. Screw all this shit, I’m completely in for it. I had to see him today. Lee said it would help not saying his name, and, I had to admit, she was right. When I said Z- his name, before the drunken mistake (which wasn’t a mistake, I just didn’t want either of us getting hurt, and I didn’t want to risk our friendship. A little too late for those things, eh? I’m part Canadian, you’re not allowed to blame me for the ‘eh’, by the way.), gave me little butterflies, like a crush does. I never really tried to get rid of the crush, since I was positive I had no chance with him, but now the name gave a stab to my hurt, reminding me of the stupid mistake I made. Damn idiot I am.

                First period was fair enough, no him, not until next period. Harry was slightly late to class, and the first thing he noticed, somehow, that something was wrong.               

                “I’m usually quite good at reading people’s emotions,” He explained, “Now what happened?”

                I told him quietly, everything. Even how much of a bitch I was. Harry was silent for a few moments, before finally talking. “First off, you’re about to cry to you didn’t- and still don’t- mean any of those things to Zayn, who, by the sounds of things, was just as torn up about this.” Yes, I had seen his heart break in his eyes, and he shredded a red tears before running off. “Second, you need to talk to him. I don’t care if neither of you want to talk to each other, you have to. Especially if what happened between Niall and Liam was because of you and Zayn.” He muttered the last bit quietly, so Liam wouldn’t hear.

                Liam had spent the night in my room, and I had woke up in the middle of the night (I didn’t sleep well often, and last night, even though I had been exhausted from little sleep the night before and crying I had still woken up) and heard him crying, muttering Niall’s name in his sleep. I felt terrible. “What do I even say?” I muttered back, “He hates me.”

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