Not that bad huh!!?

Start from the beginning

1. Serious and sad and something tragic happened to someone I care about.

Or the more accurate one

2. Seriously embarrassing I mean like face melted off scientists discovered a new shade of red and it's on my face.

Or the really truly never the case but should always be included to make things seem more dramatic.

3. Zombies

It's probably not number 3 and the only reason I added it was because I watch way to much the walking dead, and z nation. But still.

I'm routing for number 2...

"So I know that your a teenager now-" he tried to say but I just had to correct him because I felt it would lighten the mood. "Actually I was a teenager when I was 13" Diablo and my dad just both stared at me saying shut up with their eyes. "Continue" I say trying to get their gazes off me. Success. "Anyway and I know your going to start dating guys like shadow and I just-" I interrupt with the most dramatic ness of life. "OH HELL NOH" I yell really loud the echo was horrible I think Japan heard me. "We are not ever ever ever having this talk nope nope nope nope" I say standing up and walking out the door still saying no trying to forget the fact that my dad was trying to give me 'the talk' I never ever ever want to have 'the talk' with anyone ever nope. I hide my face in my hands trying to forget what just happened. I open the door an feel the cool air hit me like a bus. It wasn't because it was really cold- it kinda was a little- but it was because my face was so hot I thought I was sick with a really bad cold. After a few seconds of being outside I hear someone come out of the door behind me. He started laughing I assumed it was shadow I didn't bother to turn around to cold. But when he started laughing I turned around and punched his arm. "What it was funny" he said his deep voice sending warmth and pleasure to my ears. "Shut up that was so embarrassing" I say feeling my cheeks burn up so I quickly turned around. My skin is tanned I'm mixed but when I blush you can tell, believe me, which kinda sucks. I was freezing I was wearing black track pants and a white light long sleeved crop top that covered most of my stomach but I was still freezing. My arms crossed over my chest savouring any wormth I can bring to my cold body. I hear shadow calm down and stop laughing it was the first time I heard him laugh it was adorable I didn't want it to stop. But then again I don't like the idea of the most adorable laugh to be caused by my embarrassment. After a few seconds I felt a warm leather jacket placed on my shoulders. I turned to face him and smiled "thanks" he just smirks and walks past me and hops on his motorcycle and puts on a helmet he passes me one and just as I was about to get in I remembered I still needed my backpack that I left inside. "Oh I still need my back pack be right back" I say before running back into the house and grabbing my backpack before I could see my dad. I ran back outside put the helmet on and went on the back still holding really tight and closing my eyes.

10 minutes latter I felt us stop moving. Obviously were at school. Or dead. Probably at school though. I opened my eyes and let go of Diablo before judging off the motorcycle before he could say a word. I took off the helmet and passed it to him he caught it I walking away really slowly. I was nervous inside I felt my insides melting I could barely take another step. The only real reason I hate the idea of high school  is because I'm scared of university student they seem so mature then there's me. Maybe I'm scared because I did a little to much digging about the 'university life' in high school. Either way I was dying inside each hesitant step I took I felt myself getting worse and worse in the pit of my stomach. All I could think was how did I not faint or have a panic attack yet. Maybe I'll survive the day without meeting the school nurse.. Maybe.

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