Chapter 20~ all open

Start from the beginning

She grabbed my towel and started to pull on it.
" I think you forgot this is my room, I could care less I'm my ass naked in this room." I said smartly at her.

" fine." She pulled it off and ran into the bathroom and closed the door.
I went and got dressed for bed, so I just put sweats on.

" I'm getting in the shower." Lauren yelled out to me.
" okay." I walked in and she was getting undressed.

" give me your clothes, they need to be washed right away." I said picking my clothes up. She took her shirt off and her pants and handed them to me.
" thanks sweets." I said Kissing her cheek and getting chocolate on my lips.

"Hmm." She pulled me back to her before I left, she kissed my lips,
I got a good taste of the chocolate, I didn't want to stop but she pulled away.

" you're welcome," I saw her start to take her bra and underwear off I licked my lips but I kept walking like the " gentleman" I am.
But I did get a look from the mirror when I was leaving(;

" alright everyone who was in the food fight, put your clothes in the washer." I said walking downstairs.
" I'll do it." Ariana said taking the clothes out of my hands.
" thanks."
" uhh you have chocolate on the side of your mouth." Ariana said laughing.
" my b." I wiped it away.

" hmmmm." She nodded at me.
" alright, how bad is the kitchen?" I asked walking over. It was spotless.
" Lauren and I cleaned it with Elliott and fredo and Ryan and Jess, while YOU were showering." Ariana said grinning and going to the basement door.

" is alex in the guest house?" I asked walking into the living room where Ryan and fredo were sitting, how the hell were they already cleaned up?
Did I really take that long?

" nope I'm right here." He came walking from the back.
" hey."

" okay just tell me what I have to do for this mission?" Alex said in a mood.
" well you have to sneak me out of jail." I said sitting down.
" what?"

" Lauren planned this one out." I said putting my hands up.
" Jason you are the boss, not her. You decide what goes not her. I know you care about her but step your fucking game up Jason. You're doing a shit job, ever since she came you have been doing a horrible job."

" that's what you think, but I've actually made over 20 million more than I usually do, and I got 25 more missions done last year then I usually get done, so you can't blame her, Lauren's plan was good and well thought out, so now as I was saying. Lauren is going to be questioned by the detective that did her kidnap case tomorrow because her friend was attacked by Robby gram, I am going to be at her house, she then will go to the house call the detective for help and they will come arrest me, once they arrest me, she's going to call Robby, Robby doesn't know that you're gang along with my gang are home. He only knows Lauren and I are here because of her friend. So when Robby finds out I'm in jail he will send someone to make sure it's official. Then he will go for Lauren himself. My gang is going to be at the house hiding
And your gang is going to be sneaking me out, I'm going to have Matt and Ana break into the security system, then we will come back here and kill Robby. Everything with redhawk will be done then, cause once your gang is done getting me, they are going to go and take out the rest of redhawk at their HQ." I said explaining everything.

" alright I give Lauren props now." Alex said nodding.
" she learns from the best." I said raising my hand.

" actually I'm just that good." Lauren said coming down in my McCann sweatshirt and some pj pants.
" hey Lauren." Alex hugged her.

" hi Alex. How is Mandy?" She asked caring.
" she's doing good. She's getting moody."
" oh yeah Alex, Britney had her baby." I added.

" seriously? Wow. I can't believe she didn't call me it anything about it."
" that's great!" Lauren came and sat across my lap and wrapped an arm behind my back.

Lauren's pov:

" okay so Lauren tomorrow your telling the detective what's going on then that day or the next say is when your going to get him arrested?" Alex asked.

"well New Years would be the next day... Should I?"
" it's just New Years." Alex shrugged.
I looked at Jason and he ran his thumb back and forth on my back calming me down.

" alright then yeah, on New Years we will have her come and get him. " I said sighing.
This plan is worrying me now.

" hey don't worry! It's going to be alright." He said comforting me.
" I hope."

" Lauren there is a reason why we are known as the McCann brothers, we don't fuck up. And when we do, we go with it and it
All still works out so don't worry." Alex said sitting down.
"Okay." I tried to hide what I was feeling but Jason saw it right through me.

" come on baby. It's going to be okay just think, when it's all over we won't have to worry about it anymore." Jason whispered in my ear. His hot breath made chills run down my arms.
" I'm going to go to bed." I said getting out of Jason's grip and going upstairs. Jason immediately got up and followed me.

" what's wrong?" Jason asked.
" I just have a headache. I need sleep. You can go back downstairs with your brother I'm going to sleep." I said turning the lights off and laying down.
" I'll go to sleep now too." Jason said closing the door and crawling into the bed.

" princess I know you're worried. You're flinching at my touch. Listen. I'm not going to be in the cell for longer than maybe 7 hours, so don't worry. And don't worry about Robby, we will get him taken  care of okay?" Jason said looking in my eyes. He was really concerned, I'm just scared. I'm
Not doubtful about the Jason thing cause I know he will get out, I'm just worried about Robby getting me. What people have said, he's pretty dangerous. So I'm either

One: screwed and going to die
Two: going to die

"Lauren?" Jason snapped me out of my Robby thoughts." Yeah?" I asked looking at him.
" get some sleep. Tomorrow is a big day for you." Jason said wrapping his arms around me holding me close to him, I snuggled in closer to him.
" goodnight."

" love you." Jason whispered.
" love you too." He moved his head down and kissed my forehead.

I moved my head up and kissed his lips. He didn't move away quickly.
He moved his body so he was over top of me.
" jasonn." I said tiredly.

" I'm taking your mind off it. Shhh." He whispered kissing my neck passionately.
" come on." I said trying not to cave into him.

" dont act like you don't love it." He whispered in between kisses.
" I do I just-"

" what? You just what?" He asked looking at me.
My eyes met his, they glimmered in the light from the window. He lower his body so that I could feel him on me, making my body arch toward him.
"I can help make you tired if you want." He said whispering in my ear. My breathing picked up and he started to rub me while kissing me. He moved his kisses down to my neck.
" I don't need hickeys for the detective to see." I said regretfully. He started moving his hand away from rubbing me.
" well I want hickeys for you for me to see." He said leaning down and kissing near my breasts.

" let's not play this game Jason." I said as he picked his head away from my body.
" fine. I just wanted to make you feel better but I guess not." He said smirking and laying back down on his side of the bed.
" I loveee you." I said leaning on him.

" I love you too princess." He said kissing my nose playfully.
" alright goodnight." I closed my eyes resting my head on his chest.

I'm dreading tomorrow. What if I make a mistake? What If she notices I'm lying... Well I mean I'm not really lying. But what if something bad happens!? This is all building up stress and I hate it.i hate this whole thing. It's the worse thing ever to deal with. And I feel like a baby about worrying about it all because everyone else is completely fine with it all. People know who Jason is and If Alex's gang doesn't get him out of there in time he could be taken to prison. Then what?

Guys I just woke up from the scariest nightmare I've ever had. I'm shaking writing this and I'm sobbing. This idk is horrible.

Can you all do me a favor? Will you follow:
@/ trillionbiebs
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He's so sweet you won't regret it!!

Things are about to really kick off so get ready!!


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