Chapter 17: Calm Before the Storm (Liam's POV)

Start from the beginning

He didn’t even have to try and he impressed me. Niall was just an amazing person, so carefree and happy-go-lucky, a lot of times, I wished I was able to let go and just be like he’s able too. I was a huge ‘worry-wart’, as May called me, and never seemed to get a break. But I didn’t mind. I kind of liked fathering everyone, caring for them was kind of like how I was written.

I was walking around the castle to kill time when, finally, it was almost 10, so I headed to the front of the castle, where everyone left off. Already standing there, talking to someone I didn’t know, was Niall. His hair was messed over going to one side, and he a pair of loose jeans and a white hoodie. He was laughing at something the other guy said, before he left, waving goodbye to Niall, who just noticed me and smiled, waving me over.

I gulped, realising I can’t exactly back out now, claiming I was sick or anything (though, with the butterflies in my stomach, you never know) and walked over to him. “Hey.” My voice came out surprisingly normal, and I had to resist the urge to high-five myself.

“Hey, are we going now?” He asked, sticking his hands in his pockets. I nodded.

“Yeah.” I said, walking over to one of the cars. There were different cars for different groups of people. If you there was only 2-3 of you, there was a certain car for you, and if there was 4-6 of you, you’d go in one of the vans. Any more than that, and you were going in separate cars.

I opened the door for Niall who laughed, and slide in. “How gentlemanly.” He joked, and I winked before going over to my side and climbing in.

“Only for you, Ni.”

                After that, the rest of the car ride was pointless chatter as the car drove itself. Oh, yeah. I’m not kidding. Harry Potter may get those creepy ass horse things pulling his carriage, we get cars driving themselves. Damn straight… Unlike me.  Ah, I crack myself up.

                The ride was relatively short, only about 10 minutes, and then we were in the town. It was rather small; a bunch of little shops, a theatre, an arena, a park, an arcade, a few restaurants, but that was about it. They dropped us out right on the one side of town, before the car turned itself around, going back to the school to pick up more students. The cars came every 20 or so minutes, picking up and dropping off students, and then we were required to be back at the school by 5PM. It was perfect times for my date with Niall.


                For the first bit of the date, I decided to go to the arcade with him, since I remembered him talking about loving video games, and being one of the things he missed about his old town, since there was a huge arcade there, and he didn’t really go into town often. Needless to say, he absolutely loved it, and crushed me in every single game.

                We were currently playing air hockey, joking around. “I’m totally gonna crush you again, Liam. You can’t win.” Niall smirked, and frowned slightly, hitting the puck over.

                “I’m determined to beat you at something- fair and square.” I said, as he hit it back.

                “You’re not winning. I’m boss at every single video game in here, Li-Li.” He scored, winning the game and I pouted.

                “Not fair.” I joked.

                Niall came over to me, hugging me slightly. “Awh, poor Liam. Do you want a kiss for your troubles?”

                I smirked. “Maybe.” We hadn’t kissed since the time I kissed him, over a week ago, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t somewhat craving his lips.

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