Chapter 1

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A/N :

Welcome to The Deadly Series.

What you will find here won't be like anything you've read before, within the series you will find danger, darkness and a whole new level of confusion.

There is a guarantee of violence, blood and gore, so if this isn't something you can handle, I warn you of what's to come and what you might wish to avoid. I, in all honesty, had someone tell me they could not continue reading because it was too horrifying for them to read. This is your fair warning.

Otherwise, thank you and welcome, I hope you enjoy it.

P.s. Enter at your own risk.

The first time I encountered the strange dream it was a sweltering summer's night in Pasadena, California. I'd just settled into bed after taking a cool shower to help me sleep, when I suddenly found myself in a dark and uncomfortably shady alley, crouched silently behind a pile of foul smelling, soggy cardboard boxes.

Frowning, I look down at myself. I'm dressed in all dark clothing, becoming a part of the shadows and my hair is tied up, away from my face.

Initially, I assumed that I must be having a dream and I would have gone on believing that if it didn't seem so real. Wherever I was at the time was a complete mystery to me, I didn't feel as though I was in my own body, I felt stronger, steadier, braver. Then, there was the biggest difference of all compared to my regular dreams. The very real, cold sweat trickling slowly down my back and between my stiffened shoulder blades, I was also panting hard from what surely must have been a good deal of sprinting.

Everything in what I'll continue to call for now 'my dream' seemed much more realistic than what I'd normally encounter, but I shrugged it off, focusing on the time being and figuring out what the fuck was going on.

Then, I took notice of something else that had escaped my awareness before.
A smooth, metal dagger in my right hand, gripped deftly, and purposefully behind my back.

That realisation alone left my mind reeling, and also the fact that I must be crouched here for a reason, but I don't see or hear anything and why the fuck am I holding a knife?!

I've never used a knife for anything besides chopping vegetables and meat for dinner, so I've got to be kidding myself if I think this will come in handy for whatever is to happen next. I'd be much better off burying myself amongst all those disgusting, sodden boxes and waiting for sunrise to come than trying to defend myself against who knows who - or what - is lurking out there in the darkness.
My imagination can make all kinds of things appear and happen in my dreams, so I seriously don't know what to expect. This could very well be another wild and frightening dream of mine.

Suddenly, a slight shuffling comes from ahead of me, out beyond the boxes I had hidden myself behind. I squeeze my eyes shut tightly, petrified of what's to come. My right hand clenches the dagger even tighter, I feel the skin on my knuckles go taut from the instant reaction.

Whoever is out there isn't being very quiet about their movements, not that it matters considering the best weapon of defence I have is my ability to aim perfectly between men's legs and kick as hard as I possibly can.

Ha! I'm sure that will work great against the psycho that is surely searching for me right now. And that's only gonna work if that's actually a guy out there.

What am I going to do?

I can't fight this mysterious person off!
I've never had any kind of lesson in self defence, so I'm sure to just make a good mockery of myself before I get knocked onto my ass and taken hostage, or whatever delightful things are in store for me next.

I've just built up the courage to have a look out to see whether there is any sign of my pursuer, when the back of my hair is yanked up roughly and I'm dragged out of my hiding place by a gigantic man hand that reeks of week old meat. Talk about man handling, this is definitely my worst nightmare.

"Ahhh!" The weak noise escapes traitorously from between my lips and out into the dark of the night.

Just as I'm put back onto my feet, and before I even set eyes on my mysterious attacker, my right hand decides to fly out and swipe directly across the exposed throat of my attacker, which in turn disables his grip on my hair and gives him the briefest moment to show some sign of emotion at this change of events. Then, as his expression switches quickly from shock to pain, he crumples unceremoniously in a heap at my feet.

I stand there shell shocked for a good minute, breathing hard and staring down wide eyed at his unconscious - and hopefully not dead - body, I try to come to terms with what I've just done.

What had I done?

Still breathing hard and with my heart thumping rapidly in my chest, I attempt to assess the situation in my mind. But I can't stop myself from standing stock still, staring wide-eyed, and somewhat frozen, at his limp, unmoving form and think about my really messy predicament.

Firstly, I don't even know where those actions came from. It was almost as if my hand and arm had a mind of their own. It was instantaneous. No thought process, just a reaction. And apparently the correct reaction at that.

Who the fuck am I?! I can't possibly be me. I must be dreaming that I'm someone else. I've been watching too many action films! The me I know doesn't incapacitate someone with the flick of the wrist.

Who the hell am I?!

I just want to wake up from this nightmare!

The next second, I'm sitting up in bed huffing from exertion and staring wide eyed at the pale wall opposite me. I can see the sun has just started to filter through the blinds, bringing with it a new day.

I suck in a deep breath to calm my senses and think to myself that it was all a dream.

Just a scary, messed up dream.


Hello, and welcome to the beginning of the first story I've ever written!

Please do not hesitate to give me advice if you feel something is not correct. I'm from Australia and decided to base this story in Pasadena, California on a whim so I've had to do my research on the place too. I've never actually been to America so I'm working out of my depths here.

This will be a journey we share together, as I grow and find my place as a writer with every single chapter that I publish for you wonderful people to read.

I'd love to hear from you all, so don't hesitate to post a comment or if you enjoy a chapter maybe consider pressing the little star at the end of each chapter so I know that my writing is keeping you interested.

Thank you so much for taking this time to give my writing a look. I've got big plans in store, as I am currently working on the remainder of the series. I hope you are keen to continue on and I'll, perhaps, see you in the near future!

Happy reading!
Shantelle 👊🏻

Deadly Dreamer  -  Book One  ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin