Chapter 18: You Make the Rain Fall

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A/N: It's late and short. I'm sorry, don't hate me. I've still been feeling sick and I wasn't going to upload today but I felt bad. So, here's 18. It's very short actually... Like I don't think it'll make three pages... So.. 

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Chapter 18: You Make the Rain Fall


            I woke in a daze. I half expected to find myself back at the hospital, but then I remembered my conversation with Colton and how he carried me to my room. I grinned internally at that.

            Slowly opening my eyes, I looked at my surroundings. Sighing in content, I rolled over, but yelped in the pain shooting up my spine. I must have yelped louder than I thought because Colton comes rushing through the door with a baseball bat only wearing dangerously low-riding black sweatpants.

            I gulped, part from the pain, but part from the fact that I think I died and went to heaven. Just staring at his washboard abs made me glad that I got stuck with him as protection.

            “Josie? What’s wrong?” Colton asked dropping the bat and rushing to my side. I could see the dark circles underneath his eyes, a telltale sign that he didn’t sleep.

            I gasped out that my back hurt, and he pulled his black iPhone4 out of the pockets of his sweatpants.

            “Dr. Door, Josie’s back is hurting her. She just woke up,” Colton rushed through the phone. He paused, then continued. “That’s NORMAL? She tried to roll over and screamed in pain!”

            I gasped. “I did not scream.”

            “Yes, you did,” Colton mouthed before frustratingly hanging up on the doctor. I widened my eyes in shock as he muttered a few cuss words under his breath.

            “Jeez,” I whispered staring at him.

            “He said to give you some pain medication, but it’s perfectly normal to have pain even if you take the meds. You have two herniated disks and a broken spine, so,” Colton trailed as he looked at me.

            “What?” I asked frowning.

            “You look like hell,” Colton replied smirking as he walked out of my room.

            I sat there with my mouth in an “O.” “You, too!” I yelled back after a minute or so.

            He chuckled as he walked back in the room with a tray of waffles, a glass of Ruby Lite juice, maple syrup, and prescription bottles laying on their sides. “I know I do. I got about thirty minutes of sleep before you screamed in pain.”

            “I did not scream!” I huffed indignantly. “I yelped.”

            “Fine, ‘before you yelped in pain.’ Better?” he asked as he placed the tray in my lap and grabbed a couple pillows to help prop me up.

            “Thanks,” I said looking down at the tray.


I sat down at her desk and watched her cringe as she moved to eat the food. I sighed in defeat and walked around to the other side of the queen bed. I gently sat down on the bed, so I wouldn’t move her and fed her the waffles.

            After she was done eating, I dropped a few pills in her mouth and gave her a sip of the Ruby Lite. She swallowed and looked at me with sad eyes.

            “Colton?” she whispered.

            “Josie,” I whispered back as I moved the tray and set it on the floor next to the bed.

            “Thanks. I’m really sorry about all this. I feel incompetent,” Josie sighed as I moved the pillows so that she was lying down. She moaned a little from the pain and I felt myself drawn towards her.  

            I thought about the song “You Make the Rain Fall” and scoffed as it described her well.

            “What?” Josie asked with her eyes closed.

            “Nothing,” I replied and slowly stood up. “Get some more rest.”

            “You, too, Colton,” she said as I picked up the tray and walked out the door.

            “Yeah, right,” I scoffed again and shut her door. 

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