Chapter 8: Day One of Protection

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A/N: I'm SOOOOOOO SORRRYYYYY for the SUPER LATE upload. I've had a really bad week. Monday, my guy friend was an arse and put me down. Tuesday, a good friend lied to my face. Tuesday night, I got two hours of sleep. Wednesday, I got up late, almost was late for school. Wednesday night, I got two hours of sleep, again. Thursday, I had my lock-in. The last time I got to have a "field trip" or "class trip" with my friends. Friday, graduation. I sobbed during my whole speech. PATHETIC! And today, my sister left for another 8 weeks. *SOB* So yes. Sorry for the late upload. I'm uploading tomorrow night as well to make up for it. If I'm not bummed about my last tennis party.... Everything ends at once. *SOB* 

Read on. Enjoy, like, comment, vote, tweet, fan, share, email. The whole SHEBANG! (: thanks for reading. xx


Chapter 8: Day One of Protection


            I was sitting next to Tyler on the plane. He had gotten cleared to keep his gun, and he kept flipping up the pouch like he was going to take it out every time someone passed. I sighed and looked at him. He looked back at me and raised his eyebrows as if to say “What?”

            “Will you stop?” I asked him in a defeated way.

            “Stop what?” he asked with a genuinely confused look.

            “Playing with your gun thingy,” I told him gesturing to where it was located on his hip.

            “Oh, sorry. Nervous habit,” he replied turning away from me.

            I sighed and pulled up my brown waves into a high pony tail. Reaching down into my Vera Bradley carry on, I pulled out my leather-bound diary and my purple fuzzy pen. Pulling my legs up to my chest, I sighed at the comfort of my sweatpants, tank top, and Saints hoodie. Westin had teased me earlier about being a Saints fan, but I love them. They’re a good team.

            I opened my diary and flipped to an empty page.

Day one of protection.


·      Not fun

·      Tyler is a nervous wreck

·      Doesn’t like me that much

·      Plays with gun pouch when anxious

·      Doesn’t like planes

I sighed at the realization that all of these were negative things about Tyler. I ripped the page out and stuffed it in my bag while pulling out my iPod touch. I put my ear buds on and turned on Coming Home Mashup by Cimorelli.

            I began a new diary entry.

Day one.

I’m heading to an unknown place with four FBI agents. I don’t know who the other three in my protection detail are, but I’m nervous. They tried to contact my dad, but I refused. I miss my family and I miss Courtney. I don’t even have a phone! They thought it would be too dangerous. They also changed my identity. Instead of Jaycee Martinez, I am now Josephine Scarlett-Katherine Martin. I insisted on keeping my mom’s name as the second part of my middle name. I also wanted to just shorten my last name. I got my wishes. Tyler was to act as my guardian. We didn’t want to tell anyone we were siblings, nor did we want to tell anyone we were together. God, no. Tyler will be known as Colton Asher Ryder. I got to pick out his name since he did much of mine. I’ve decided I’m going to go get some rest. Goodnight.

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