Chapter 9: Home is Where the Heart Is

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CHECK OUT LoneTearFalls story Unnatural Academy. It's really good!!!

A/N: This chapter is entitled, "Home is Where the Heart Is." Unless, you've lived in 7 different places and 8 different homes, like me, you never really know how true that statement is. I'm uploading now because I neglected you all enough last week, so here we go. Chapter 9. Vote, comment, fan, like, tweet, email, yadayadayada. 

Enjoy! xx 


Chapter 9: Home is Where the Heart Is


            The plane ride proved to me that I was falling for my protector. I was also wrong about him. Way wrong. I thought he wouldn’t want to protect me. I figured he was one of those arrogant snobs, but when he told me that he knows what this feels like, I began to realize that I was wrong.

            I had no idea what he meant by that, and I couldn’t help but wonder. Sitting in the Ford F-150 that he bought as soon as we landed. I’m not kidding. As soon as we landed, he grabbed our bags, practically pushed me into the taxi waiting for us and had us dropped off at the Ford Dealership. He saw the truck, fell in love, and bought it. Without hesitation. He’s a man who knows what he wants when he sees it. Of course, it was completely LOADED. I mean, he got the full package.

            I called him “Ty” about fifty times at the dealership before remembering that I have to call him Colton or Colt now. But I wasn’t the only one slipping up. He kept calling me Jace or Jay. I had to shoot him a look every now and then. He was new to this whole Witness Protection Program thing. That relieved me.

            I turned to him and studied him for a while. With one hand on the wheel and the other resting on the center-console, he looked like a model. His now blonde hair was tousled and he looked deep in thought. I sat there until he looked at me. We were stopped at a red light. Colton and I just looked at each other for a while.

            “Hi,” I said shyly. His eyes seemed like they were searching me.

            “Hey,” he said turning back to the road as the light turned green.

            “Colton?” I asked him as I continued to stare.

            “Josie,” he replied to me as he flipped on the blinker and changed lanes. I turned away and looked around. We were just entering a small farm-town. I frowned. I didn’t like nature. I was more of a city girl.

            I turned back to him. “When will I meet the rest?”

            “The rest of what?” he asked as he stopped at a stop sign to let an elderly lady cross the street.

            “My protection,” I whispered.

            He laughed. “Josie, there’s no need to whisper. You’re safe,” he told me.

            I looked around. There was no one here. I guess I was.

            “You’ll meet them when we get to the house,” he replied.

            “Whose house?” I asked him looking out the window. I had given up on staring at him.

            “Ours,” he replied simply.

            I sighed heavily and pulled my legs up to my chest and dropped my flip-flops on the floor.

            “What? You don’t want to live with me?” he joked.

            “I’ll never have a boyfriend,” I replied quietly. We had faked my death in a car accident. Nothing special and nothing that would reach this small town in Maine.

            “What makes you say that?” he asked me with a chuckle. “I won’t be that strict.”

            “No, it’s just. You aren’t family. You’re just my guardian. Most boys will feel threatened,” I said without saying “You’re HOT!” full on.

            “It’s ‘cause I’m TOO SEXY FOR MY SHIRT. I’M TOO SEXY FOR MY SHIRT,” he shouted doing a little dance.

            I cracked up laughing. He was something else. We pulled into the driveway of a small house that looked kind of big for the two of us, but whatever. It was two stories, had a USA flag flying, flowers were blooming around the windows, and it was white in paint color. I grinned. This could be my home. After all, home is where the heart is.

            I sighed and leaned back into my seat. I felt his gaze on me and looked over to where Colton was staring.

            “You like?” he asked me.

            “Yeah. It’s nice. Really nice. Kind of big for the two of us, though,” I said honestly.

            “Two? Josie, honey, did you seriously think they’d leave you with just me?” he asked. A small smile was playing on his lips, and there was a look in his eye. Was it longing?

            “No, I guess not,” I mumbled quickly looking away.

            “The rest of your protection is inside,” he told me. I grinned and looked back at him. All of my previous blush was gone.

            “Is it just guys? Or is there a girl?” I questioned.

            “Wait and see,” he told me as he climbed out of the car.

            “I hate you!” I called, getting out as well.

            “Yeah!” he scoffed. “I highly doubt that.”

            I stuck my tongue out at him and grabbed my Vera Bradley Luggage and Carry-On set. I was wheeling it up to the porch when he grabbed my arm.

            “I got it,” he said and picked my suitcase up. He hoisted it over the steps and tried unlocked the door with a key on his key chain. I grinned at his expression.


            She was watching me as I opened the door. She liked to do that. Josie did it in the car, on the plane, and now on the porch. I fumbled with the key and cussed under my breath. Josie walked up and took the keys out of my hand. After all, I did have my hands full. She booty-bumped me out of the way, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

            Josephine stuck the key in the lock and swung open the door. Right then, a masked figure jumped out at us branding a knife. I could tell it was rubber, but she couldn’t. She screamed and kicked the masked figure in the happy spot. He doubled over in pain and she ran behind me clutching at my shirt.

            “Caleb!” I heard a familiar voice shout. I grinned when I realized who the masked figure was. Duke had taken on the name Caleb Alexander Fink, and it was Lily (now known as Natalie Angelina Smith) who was calling him. I could hear West laughing as he walked towards the door. I turned around and gently pried Josie off me.

            “Relax. It’s just Duke being a jerk,” I said. Though “jerk” was an understatement.

            She looked at me and raised an eyebrow. “Duke, Lily, and Westin are my protection?” she asked slowly.

            “Yeah! Isn’t that good? Well, now Duke is called Caleb Alexander Fink, Lily is Natalie Angelina Smith, and Westin is Jake Andrew Van Dyke,” I told her.

            “Oh,” she said simply before turning to Caleb. She ripped of the mask and kicked him in the stomach. “Bad idea messing with me,” she hissed at him.

            She turned to Natalie and waved. “Hi, Lily. I mean, Natalie. How are you?” she said politely.

            “Good, and you?” Natalie replied, fighting a laugh.

            “I’ve been better,” Josie said with a hateful look towards Caleb. I laughed at her.

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