Chapter 7: To be or Not to be

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Author's Note: Okay, this chappie is seriously lame. Like I mean, I was shaking my head at this chapter the whole time I wrote it a couple weeks ago. Today, as I went to upload, I grimaced as I re-read it. But I'm too tired to change it. I haven't gotten real sleep in a week. I blame the awesome stories on Wattpad that makes me not want to put my phone down. Curse you, fabulous writers, curse you! ..... Ooooh kayyyy... I'm starting to freak myself out. I think I'm slowly going insane.... I should see someone about that... Anywhooooo...... Shoot. I just forgot what I was going to say.... OH YEAH! This chapter sucks. So to reward you for reading this sucky chapter, I'm going to update on Monday, instead of Tuesday! (If I'm not warn out from the pool party/thingy.) 

Off to work on Chappie 18! Enjoy (I highly doubt you will, but go see for yourself.)

Vote, comment, fan, like, tweet, share.... (Even if you don't like it. I promise. The next one will be better. Hopefully...) 

Sorry for ranting. 

Read ON! 


Chapter 7: To Be or Not to Be


            They were done examining my hand, and they were fitting on a cast. Luckily, I didn’t need to be knocked out or anything. It was just quite painful. Tears were pouring down my face when my Uncle walked in. I knew it was bad news just by looking at his face.

            “Sir, are you family?” the doctor asked, somewhat alarmed. Agent Murrilla briefed him on the situation.

            “Yes, Doctor. I’m her uncle,” Uncle Lou told him.

            “Hi, Uncle Lou,” I said, a smile breaking through my tears. I probably looked like a mess. Nothing hot about it.

            “Jay, I’m so sorry, but after I told James, he sped off,” Uncle Lou was saying. Possibilities raced through my mind, and I knew what was coming next. “He killed himself out of grief.”

            “How?” I chocked out. The tears were coming fast now. My life had been ripped out from under me.

            “Suicide?” he told me, but it sounded like a question.

            I managed a “duh” and an ugly look.

            Uncle Lou smiled sadly. “He went to a gun shop, grabbed a gun and some bullets when the owner wasn’t looking, and put one through his forehead. I’m so sorry, sweetie. It must feel like the world is coming crashing down on you.”

            I stared at him through the tears. The doctor pulled my middle finger to put it in the cast and I yelped.

            “Sorry,” the doctor mumbled as he fitted my cast. I looked down at my hand in disgust. It was nothing but disgust for myself. I was such an idiot.

            “Sir,” Tyler said poking his head in. Uncle Lou turned around and followed him.

            I sighed and glanced at the doctor.

            “You can’t get this wet at all, so I’ll give you some plastic to put over it when you shower,” the doctor told me as he finished the cast.

            “Woopdeedoo,” I said a bit distracted. Why did Tyler need Uncle Lou? I asked myself with a sigh. I rolled my hand and hopped off the little bed thing. I listened to the familiar click of my four-inch high-heeled Jimmy Choo leather boots on the tiled floor. They were a gift from Courtney because her family was rich. I pulled open the door, but the doctor grabbed my arm. I spun around ready to strike when he handed me a package.

            “The plastic for your cast,” he told me with a knowing smile.

            “Thanks,” I said. I was actually grateful. Believe it or not.

            I turned down the narrow hallway and hummed Stay by Miley Cyrus. And I love you more than I did before, and if today I don’t see your face, I sang in my head. I turned a corner and found myself face-to-face with the female agent that was at my house.

            “Jaycee!” she exclaimed. “I was just looking for you!”        

            “Were you?” I asked defeated. I was tired. Today was getting stressful and it wasn’t even noon yet!

            “I have your phone,” she said holding up a bag marked “Evidence” with red tape.

            “Can I?” I asked.

            “Sure, but after we talk,” she told me. She motioned for me to follow her down the hallway and I did. I needed my phone.


            She was cooperating. I wouldn’t if my whole family was dead. Her phone rang just then, playing Stay by Miley Cyrus. I smiled. It was one of my favorite songs.

            “I’m coming home, I’ll be coming home, and if you ask me I will stay. I will stay,” played her phone. I felt her stop next to me.

            “Don’t worry, I’ll give it to you when we get to the Cafeteria,” I told her, but I knew something else was on her mind.

            “That’s Courtney’s ringtone. Her phone’s calling me,” she said in an almost whisper. I turned to her and grabbed her good arm. I practically dragged her to where Duke, West, and Ty were sitting. I ripped open the bag, ignoring the “Evidence” tape and pulled out the phone.

            I handed it to her and she stared at it. “Answer it,” I demanded.

            She looked at all of us in turn, but flipped it open and pressed it to her ear.

            “Hello?” she asked. Someone said something and I gave her a notepad.

            “Write it all down in shorthand,” I commanded. She nodded and picked the pen up. I looked down at the note.

     To be or not to be my dear

     That is the question for you

     You don’t need to fear

     But don’t you dare argue

     u saw too much  

     I’m afraid to say

     Danger is such

     An easy way

     Tell your friends

     And you will dread

     The way this ends

     Watch where you tread

     We could be anywhere

     Near or far

     Here or there

     A blade of grass or a star

     Safe is impossible

     Trust me

     I am unstoppable

     As you’ll soon see

            She was shaking as she sloppily wrote these words down. It was poem. Tears began to fall and she hung up the phone.

            “Was that it?” I asked. I didn’t want her to hang up on the guy.

            “Yes,” she said quietly. West put a hand on her shoulder and she flinched. Her mascara had already run. Her eye shadow was smudged. The blush and foundation had tear streaks running through them. She was a mess. She knew it too. Poor thing, I thought to myself. She didn’t deserve this. 


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