Chapter 17: Loose, Loose Situation

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. I have been busy with doctor's appointments, blood work, and doing things with my mom's friends and their families. I'm writing Chapter 19 now. I've kind of caught up to myself, which is not good. I hate not having chapters written, so the uploads will start getting kind of slow. ): So this is my advanced apology. (: I'll write tonight, until about 11:30, and then tomorrow I'll write the whole day until 4 when I have to go to another freaking doctors appointment. Lovely, the life. 

Anyways, read on. Vote, comment, like, fan, share, and most importantly, ENJOY! 


Chapter 17: Loose-Loose Situation


            My body ached all over and I had a pounding headache. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse looking at me. She gasped and ran out of the room. I glanced around and shut my eyes quickly at the white everywhere.

            I could feel the back brace on me and the cast on my right ankle, but the cast on my left hand was gone. Memories came flooding back to me and I prayed that they didn’t call Colton first.

            But then where I was really sunk in. My eyes flew open and I attempted to sit up, but the nurse came in and pushed me back down.

            “Honey, you need to be careful, okay? You broke your back, a fractured rip punctured your lung, and you fractured your ankle. Not to mention, you are probably a tad bit hung-over. You need to take it easy,” she told me gently.

            Broken back? Fractured rib? Fractured ankle? Oh, I’m in deep trouble. Not to mention, I’m hung-over.

            The door burst open, and I was so shocked that it didn’t fly off it’s hinges!

            “Josephine Scarlett-Katherine Martin!” Colton hissed. I flinched and waited for the worst, but it didn’t come.

            “Colton Asher Ryder?” I chided trying to provoke him.

            “I’m disappointed in you,” he said calmly.

            “Pardon?” I asked trying to sit up again, but the nurse pushed me down gently and shook her head.

            “I said that I’m disappointed. I’m not going to yell, I’m not going to ground you, I’m just telling you that I’m very disappointed,” Colton concluded and walked out. My jaw was practically on the floor.

            “Disappointed? Seriously? Who is just ‘disappointed’ after the person they’re in charge of disobeys them, leaves the house, goes to a party, gets wasted, leaves with some guy, and is in the passenger seat when a car gets wrapped around a tree?” I asked Jake and McKenzie.    

            “If I were responsible for you, I’d kick your ass,” Jake told me before exited the room. I looked at McKenzie.

            “Colton was freaked out. I mean, seriously freaked out. Like, he went all ‘dark-side’ on me,” McKenzie told me. I grinned.

            “So, he cares?” I questioned smugly.

            “Duh. He’s in charge of you. Of course he cares. You’re practically his daughter!” McKenzie said matter-of-factly.

            I cringed. That was not the kind of care that I meant. “Ugh, don’t say stuff like that,” I told her making a face.

            “Whatever, but it’s true,” she replied and plopped herself down in the chair next to my bed.

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