Chapter 3: Out for Blood

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A/N: So, I'm doing a bit of a victory dance as I upload this. Some of you will know why if you watch the news. :D But as a little celebration, I'm uploading 3! 


            I woke up the next morning screaming. I had nightmares about what happened. Looking around, I saw that I was alone. Mom wasn’t home (big surprise…not), neither was Vincent.

            Picking up my Blackberry Flip I hit “2” and it dialed Court’s number. I put it on speaker and set it down as I unloaded the gun. I put the bullets back in the box and the gun back in it’s case.

            “Hey, this is Courtney. Leave a message, and I’ll call you back. If I care. Oh. P.S. If this is Jaycee, call my brother!” her voicemail said before it beeped.

            I hung up and hit “5” for Courtney’s brother, James.

            “Hullo?” he answered groggily.

            “James, is Courtney with you?”

            He sighed and I heard someone ask who it was. “Nope, she’s not. Actually, I have no idea where I am. What’s up?”

            “Nothing. Just lonely, that’s all.”

            “Want me to come over and keep you company?” James asked. James was like an older brother to me. He has raised Courtney since he turned eighteen. So, for four years.

            “Gross, but yeah. I’m a bit freaked out. I watched a scary movie late last night and had nightmares,” I lied. I smiled when he laughed at “gross” because he knew I knew he hadn’t been being gross. It was a joke between us. Before he met me a couple years ago, I walked into their house and he tried to hit on me. He had thought I was closer to his age.

            “Where’s your mom, kiddo?” he asked with growing concern. Unlike Courtney’s parents, James cares.

            “No clue. Clubbing, grieving, whatever she calls it these days,” I said as I put the phone on speaker. I set it down on the ground and put the gun in the closet.

            “Vinnie?” he asked again. I could tell I was on speaker too.

            “Mark’s!” I shouted as I put the bullets away. “Just get your butt here.”

            “Relax your pants, woman! I’m getting dressed.”

            “Did you just tell me to ‘relax’ my ‘pants’?” I asked laughing. James said some weird stuff for a twenty-two year old.

            “Yeah! Cool phrase, right?” he asked.

            I laughed so hard, I started crying.

            “No, you’re lame,” I said between hiccups. It came out as “no (hiccup) you’re (hiccup) lame (hiccup).”

            “Thank you. Hey, I’m out front. Wanna get coffee?” he said to me. I grinned at how fast he got here.

            “Come inside. I gotta change, and I’m too scared to go upstairs alone,” I said.

            “Even though it’s day?”

            “Even though it’s day,” I said in reply.

            “Okay, I’m ringing the doorbell……Now!” Sure enough, the doorbell rang.

            I hung up and opened the door. I pulled him into a hug and thanked him. He smiled and patted me on the head. We walked upstairs, and I quickly changed as he waited outside my door.

            I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs with him.


            I had a missed call from Jaycee. She must have called James like my voicemail says if it’s only one. I looked at the clock and realized that she called an hour ago. Sighing, I got up, got dressed, kissed Brian goodbye, and drove over to Jaycee’s. Her mom’s car was in the driveway, as was Vinnie’s. Vinnie must be home.

            I got out of the car, and walked to the house. The front door was cracked, and that’s when I noticed the black SUV parked in front of the Martinez house. Slowly, I pushed open the door and walked inside. Vinnie was lying in the hallway bleeding, and he motioned for me to get out, but then the guys in black saw me. I did the only thing I could think of. I ran. I should’ve run out, but I ran upstairs to where Katy (Jaycee’s mom) was hiding in her room.

            I crawled underneath the bed with her and held her hand tight.

            “Who are they?” I whispered.

            “I don’t know, but they wanted to know where Jay was. Vinnie tried to hold them back, but they stabbed him and I ran. You should have left,” she said.

            “I couldn’t,” I whimpered. I was going to say more, but the door opened.

            “We know you’re in here. Just come out, tell us where the girl is, and we’ll leave,” a guy’s voice said.

            “Let’s go,” Katy whispered to me and we crawled out.

            He had his gun raised at us, and Katy grabbed my hand. She squeezed it once before the guy called for his friends.

            “Is this the girl?” the guy asked motioning towards me.

            “She looks like her, but I could have sworn she was a brunette. Maybe I was mistaken,” one of them said with a shrug.

            “So, what’d you see last night?” the third asked.

            “I didn’t see anything. I was at my boyfriend’s,” I replied shakily. What did Jay see? Is that why she called?

            “Playing dumb won’t help you,” the first one sneered.

            “Yeah, how would you feel if mommy got hurt?” the second asked.

            “She’s not my mom,” I told them hoping they wouldn’t hurt Katy if I said that.

            “Good,” the one with the gun said before I heard a loud gun shot and felt dead weight pull me down a bit. I looked down and the tears fell. Katy had a single gun shot to the forehead and fear was clearly written across her beautiful features. Her eyes were clouded with pain. I knew she was dead. I knew she hadn’t suffered, but I cried. Kneeling down, I pulled her eyelids over her ocean blue eyes and crossed her arms over her tummy.

            I turned to face them. I felt something sharp hit me in the stomach, and I doubled over in pain. Dropping to the floor besides Katy, I yanked the knife out of my stomach and held it as I bled.

            I saw the goons rush out, and I went to pull out my phone, but it wasn’t there. Cursing, I realized I had left it in my car. I lay there for I don’t know how long before I heard sirens pierced the air, but I knew it was too late. Too late for any of us. Vinnie was dying when I first walked in, Katy died instantly, and me, I could already feel myself losing consciousness as the world went black around me. I prayed silently to God, wishing us all to Heaven, and the goons to Hell. 

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