Chapter 2: Danger

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A/N: Okay, it's short. I know. It's just a filler for the most part. I might put chapter 3 up later today. Just not sure yet. 

Thanks for reading.

xx, secretwriter08


            “Murrilla!” Jim shouted at me.

            “What’s up?” I asked and jogged over to his desk. Jim was my boss. He controlled what I did, where I went, and whom I met up with for the job.

            “Eric and his crew are in Malibu,” Jim told me. “I need you to take Foster, Larson, and Matthews to Malibu and track him down. I’ve warned local police and they’re expecting you.”

            I smiled as he told me I was going to finally be getting Eric and his crew. I’d never been so close to catching him. I especially smiled when I realized Duke, Westin, and Lily were joining me. I’ve been friends with the three of them for as long as I could remember. Lily and Duke had just started going out to the delight of the rest of us. Seriously. They were great together.

            I walked down the hallway and spotted the three of them making plans for tonight.

            “Foster, Larson, and Matthews!” I shouted and they all looked up. “He’s in Malibu.”

            They grinned at me like crazy and followed me to where our plane was ready to take off. Once we were on the plane, Duke and Lily left us and went to make out. They remind me of when we were teenagers. I chuckled and looked at Westin.

            “You ready to finally get them?” I asked him with a sloppy grin.

            “Hell yeah,” he replied.


            It was dark when I began walking home. Courtney and the other girls had gone to a party. I lied to Court and said I had a ride home. I popped in my iPod and started listening to some Good Charlotte.

            “She’s so wasted, acting crazy, making a scene. Like it’s her birthday!” I sang at the top of my lungs knowing I was alone. But then I looked up. I must have taken a wrong turn. I was in some back alleyway. I whipped around. I couldn’t see hardly anything, but I heard a scream from behind me.

            Turning around, I watched as three men bludgeoned a woman to death in front of me. Quickly, I ran. I ran for my life. I didn’t care which way I went. I was running for my life and I knew it. They saw me. They saw me, and I recognized one of them. I couldn’t tell from where, but I knew they were going to come after me.

            I stopped to catch my breath after running about two miles. My legs hurt and I was winded. God, if you’re listening, help me! I thought looking up at the sky. I turned every which way and soon realized where I was. Smiling, I noticed that they had not followed me. Thanks, God. I thought again. Maybe they couldn’t run as fast as I could.

            I called the taxi company and got a ride home. I ran inside and locked the door. Taking out a gun we always kept for emergencies, I loaded it and laid down on the couch.

            Boy, all that running made me tired. I thought as I drifted off to sleep. 

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