Chapter 16: Party Time

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A/N: IN CELEBRATION FOR MAKING WITNESS #103 ON THE MYSTERY/SUSPENSE LIST, I'M POSTING CHAPTER 16. Although, it is time for me to upload.... Anyways, I'm having a fabulous week. (: I made new friends (wow, I sound childish), am a Crew Leader at Vacation Bible School, and I met two really wonderful guys. :D How's your day/week going? Drop me a comment and let me know!!

On a different note, I dedicate this to Keakealani because I based McKenzie off of her. So, you know the drill: Comment/vote/fan/like/tweet/share/ENJOYYYY! 


            This week went by slowly. I barely talked to Colton because he wouldn’t let me go to that party. How would he know what high school parties are like?! He was fourteen when he graduated!

            Anyways, today was Friday and the party was tonight. I was going with McKenzie, and she was coming over tonight when Colton left for work. Natalie was cool with us going.

            I looked at the clock. 6:30 p.m. Colton was leaving in thirty minutes and Kenzie was coming over.

            Someone knocked on my door. I hopped out of bed and opened it. Colton was there. I slammed it in his face and turned on my music real loud. He opened my door and grabbed my remote.

            “What is your problem?” he asked roughly. “I’ve been calling you for dinner for ten minutes!”

            “Not hungry,” I said before walking out of my room and going downstairs.

            “Josephine!” Colton yelled after me. “Get your ass over here, now!”

            I stopped dead in my tracks, but he wasn’t going to win this one. I forced myself to cry and turned towards him. “You’re ruining my life,” I whispered.

            “Oh, get over it. Don’t leave the house while I’m gone,” he said not even looking at me. I heard him stomp out of the house. I stalked into the kitchen and wiped away any stray tears.

            Muttering cuss words under my breath, I grabbed a plate and put some mac & cheese on it with a piece of Fried Onion chicken. I grabbed a fork, knife, and a napkin. Looking at the other three sitting at the table, I realized that they were watching me. “What?” I asked annoyed. They were beyond ticking me off.

            “Nothing,” Caleb answered immediately and they all went back to their food.

            “Whatever,” I grumbled and stalked up into my room. I slammed the plate down and began eating. Colton was seriously starting to piss me off. Why couldn’t he be cool like Natalie or Caleb? But no, he has to be a total jerk.

            I had just finished my dinner when McKenzie burst into my room. “Natalie told me Colton was mad! What happened?” she practically shouted as she dragged me off the bed.

            “The whole party thing. I don’t know. It got ugly about fifteen minutes ago,” I told her with a roll in my eyes.

            “Oh. Hey, who was that hottie sitting at the table?” she asked me with a big smile.

            “Describe him,” I told her with a grin.

            “Blue eyes, brown hair, muscular, golden brown, about 6’2”, white teeth that are straight, looks like he plays sports,” she said ticking off the list of things on her fingers. “Really hot,” she concluded.

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