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                You sat in the booth, stirring your cocktail with your straw and getting lost in your own reflection.

                You weren't drunk yet, but you wanted to be.

                This night was horrible, and you felt horrible for thinking it, considering it was your best friend's birthday party. He was turning twenty-one, and you were all celebrating at one of his favorite bars. It was just a small group that shared the round booth, and you got along with most of the people.

                The problem was her.

                Sophia Smith was her name, and she was Liam's gorgeous girlfriend. They had been dating for a bit over a year now, but technically, it was less than that since they had broken up a few months ago. It was at that point, though, that you thought you had a chance.

                However, not wanting to be selfish with your feelings towards your best friend after his heartbreak, you decided to wait. You wanted him to have time to heal, but he was barely single again before she was back in his arms.

                And now she was still there, in his lap, giggling drunkenly into his ear. He was all smiles, enjoying her attention and fawning, while you were next to them about ready to throw up.

                You looked away from your cocktail, feeling someone's gaze on you for the last few minutes, and turned to meet Harry's concerned green eyes.

                "You okay?" he mouthed from across the booth.

                You gave him a weak smile and short nod along with a mouthed, "Thanks."

                He gave you a pitiful smile before getting up from his seat and straightening out his shirt, "Liam? Mate?"

                "Hmm?" he looked up at Harry while Sophia snuggled into his neck.

                "I'm going to get going," he said. "I hope you had a happy Birthday."

                "I did. Thanks, Harry," Liam beamed before kissing Sophia's forehead.

                Harry looked at you, "Do you want a ride, Y/N?"

                You stole a quick glance at Liam before deciding you needed to get out of here. You stood up, waiting for the others to get out of their seats, so you could get through, "Thanks, Harry. I'll take you up on your offer."

                You gave Liam a forced smile and wished him a Happy Birthday, placing a kiss on his stubbled cheek.

                "Thank you, Y/N."

                Clutch in hand, you made your way out of the booth and followed Harry out of the bar. He held the door open for you, whispering, "I'm sorry, Love."

                You breathed in the crisp August night, "I had my chance, and I didn't take it."

                Harry didn't say anything in response. He just put his hand on the small of your back and led you towards his motorcycle and away from your own personal heaven and hell.



"So...what'd you get me?"

                Sometimes you questioned your friendship with Louis. It didn't really seem like one because if anyone else had seen you two together they would've seen a twelve year old hanging out with a thirty-year-old woman. You two were exact opposites, and he often got on your nerves. Yes, there were days that you wanted to strangle Louis Tomlinson's little neck, and today was one of those days.

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