"Nope," Nathan insisted as he shook his head.

"Really? Cause I'm gonna walk away right now..." I trailed off.

"Just walk away.." he sang.

"Did you just? Did you just quote High School Musical song?" I asked with amusement as I raised my eyebrow at him.

"No I did not," Nathan said quickly.

"Oh, you know you did," I responded with a playful wink.

"Whatever," Nathan grumbled as he waved me off.

"You know you need my help," I said as I poked him in his arm repeatedly.

"I don't need it. Go away Alex."

"Fine, your loss Nate," I muttered with a scoff.

I was about to walk away when I heard Nathan mumbled something.

"Fuck this.."

Before I know it, Nathan grabbed me by my forearm and pulled me around to face him.

"What is it?" I asked, amusement danced in my eyes as I smirk at the dark hair boy in front of me.

Need my help now don't you?

"I need your help.." Nathan mumbled softly.

"What was that?" I asked as I cupped a hand over my ear, pretending that I didn't hear him the first time.

"Don't push it Alex," Nathan warned.

I raised my hands up in mock surrender and shot him smirk.

"Shoot. What do you want?"

"I need you to help me come up with a birthday present idea for a girl.."

"A girl?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, you know who.. The one that didn't like me back," Nathan spat out the last four words, as if they were poison in his mouth.

"Nate... I'm really sorry. I just-"

"No amount of sorry said can make up to this," Nathan stated simply. "This is one way though. And I already put it behind me, I can't change the fact that she didn't like me back and how humiliating that was. It's all over. I forgive you Alex, after all, you are still my beloved sister. No matter how annoying you can get. I forgive you," Nathan said with a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Wow Nate.. Was that you? When did you become so sweet?" I teased while pinching his cheeks to lighten up the mood since to be honest, I didn't really know how to reply to that either.

I watched as Nathan whacked my hand away from his face, shooting me an annoyed look.

"Alex! I'm freaking 18! Stop pinching my cheeks like I'm five!" Nathan protested.

"Aw, how cute. You actually think that I'm gonna listen to you," I said as I continued pinching his cheeks.

"God Alex, you are so annoying," Nathan complained.

"But you still love me," I teased.

"No I don't actually."

"Take that back!" I yelled as I placed a hand over the left side of my chest, feigning hurt.

"Nuh uh," Nathan insisted as he shook his head in defiance.

"Oh. There goes the awesome idea for Olivia's birthday gift."

"Alright! Alright! I love you Alex," Nathan mumbled while I gave him a smirk as I watched him shivered in disgust. "Can't believe I just said that, gross."

"You know you mean it Nate," I said as I ruffled his messy dark hair to which he responded with a scoff.

"So? Tell me more of what she is like? For example what she likes?" I prompted, leaning forward a little.

Nathan and I were currently sitting on the soft, worn out couch, discussing about what to get for Olivia's birthday gift.

"Hmm... I don't really know," Nathan finally said after thinking for a minute or so.

"What??? You don't know? How can you qualify to ask her out like that?"

"Oh I know!" Nathan exclaimed suddenly making me jumped out of my seat. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "She loves disney," Nathan finished as he beamed at me like a proud little kid.

"Disney huh?" I tapped my fingers on my chin lightly and started to ponder for a moment. "Nathan?" I called out to the boy in front of me, "I think I just got the perfect idea," I said as my lips twitched upwards into a smirk.

"What is it?" Nathan asked excitedly as he leaned forward a little and looked at me intently.

"Two tickets to Disney World. I bet she will fall in love with you in no time," I said with. a smirk on my face. "And don't worry about the money. I got my pay last week. I would help you pay first. But I'm just lending you the money, you got to work for it."

"Two tickets? Why?"

"Yeah. You are going with her dumbass."

Aloha lovely people! <3 I hope you like this chap and thanks so so much for reading up till here, it means a lot to me to get your support :)
Also big thank you for 1k reads and 247 votes! <3
If you like this chap, then don't forget to vote, comment and share! :D Spread the story to your friends if possible!
p.s. isn't Tyler (Francisco) hot? :P he is my bae
see you on fri :D
Much love,
Rachel xx

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