"Ok does it still hurt?" She asked I nodded "Ok I'll get a doctor to check you out right away but if you could have a seat and fill these out thatd be much appreciated." She smiled at me and I grabbed the forms and said Thank you.

Courtney and I were just sitting in the very uncomfortable chairs filling out the forms when the boys came running through the doors frantically yelling for me.


They rushed over to us Robert pulled Courtney out of her chair and into a huge hug... I may say it was really cute she didn't hug back at first but then she did and he started crying and he picked her up and spun her around once he put her down she kissed him and wipped away his tears he kept saying sorry they were so cute together and it would be very tragic if they broke up. I think I would even cry if they did. They are the perfect tumblr couple to be honest

Austin just stood there and looked down at me with hurt in his eyes I got up moved pass him and gave the forms back to the lady when I turned back around Austin was sitting in my seat and courtney was sitting on Roberts lap. I sat down across from them and looked down putting my head in my hands. I let a tear slip down my cheek then another and another again and agian until the nurse came in.

"Ms. Stone the doctor will see you now." She smiled at me I got up and walked over to her and she placed her hand on my back and brought me over to the scale and did her procedures and stuff. Then taking me to the room and told me to change into the gown. The doctor came in about 20 minutes later gosh I hate hospitals -.-.

"So whats the problem today?"He asked smiling nicely he was probably only 26 he was pretty cute too.

"I had surgery on my side because I got hit by a car and I was out with a friend I had a sudden sharp pain on my side so I want to get it checked." I said for the what felt like 100th time now. He nodded

"Ok could I have you turn on the side that doesn't hurt and lift up your gown."

"yeah.." I said turning on my side and lifted up my gown like I was told he took off the bandage and wrote some stuff down on his clip board.

"Ok so ms. stone It just looks as if you weren't cleaning it properly so It got infected not to bad but I do need you to take this perscrption and get it filled I also need you to clean and change your bandage once a day before you go to bed." He said filling out the perscription.

"I never was told I had to clean it" I was a little confused he gave me a funny look.

"Hmm well thats weird at least we caught it when we did though where do you plan on going to get this filled?" He asked I had no clue though

"Um well you see I'm here on buisness so I don't know where anything is so you tell me where I can go and I'll go" I laughed.


'Yes I'm a singer."

"Oh well this is my honor well there is a walgreens about 3 blocks from here I'll send you there" He smiled and walked out I got dressed and walked towards the waiting area.

"Come on" I said not evening bothering to look at Austin grabbing the keys of the side table next to Courtney and Robert walking out. I unlocked the door and got in waiting for Courtney. but instead Austin got in. I sighed and started the monsterous car listening to the sweet engine pulling out of the parking lot.

"I like the car" Austin said I'm guessing trying to lighten the mood.

"yep" I sighed again focusing on the road towards where the doctor said it was.

"Can we atleast talk about this courtney and Robert made up why can't we?" He asked

"Because I'm not as forgiving as her and I do love you Austin I just needed to think about it." I said

"And what did you come to?"

"I forgive you but you should really start kissing some ass" I said looking over at him when I stopped at the red light. He looked over at me and smiled at me.

"good cause I thought I lost you... forever do you know how hard that was?" He asked I smiled at him and shook my head at him "It was like I was dying" I laughed slightly and he leaned in and I kissed him. "I love you baby" I was startled by someone honking from behind me I laughed looking at the light that was green and started driving again.

"This car is seriously beast though" He said I grabbed his hand and laughed

"I know what kind of car did evan get you?" I asked him

"I don't know haven't used it yet." He said

"then how did you get to the hospital?" I asked

"Me and Robert ran our butts off to get to you to knowing that you to were ok was a huge weight lifted off our shoulders." He sighed and I was shocked

"Are you freaking serious?" I asked

"You and Courtney are no joking matter my fine girlfriend"


"Yep you two are our worlds..."

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