Chapter 39!

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KELLIN POV: "Woah, woah, wait a minute Katelynne! You owe me an explanation!" I yell after her as I race outside to stop her from leaving. She turns back towards me and chuckles, shaking her head.

"I don't owe you a damn thing. You've overstayed your welcome Kellin. Just get your stuff and get the fuck out of my god damn house!" She screams at me, her cheeks burning a deep red color.

"No! I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what the hell is going on!" I yell back at her as I walk up to her, standing close. She looks at me with pure fire in her eyes, but there was a hint of something else in them. That something else told me everything I needed to know.

"You told him, didn't you? And now he doesn't want me living with you... Am I right?" I say quietly, but loud enough to where only she could here me.

"Its not just that..." She whispers looking down. "Austin not only wants you gone out of my house, but also, out of my l-life." She stutters, her voice faltering into a sorrowful tone.

"You're lying... Please tell me you're lying." I say now on the verge of tears. I can't lose Katelynne, I just fucking can't!

She looks up at me with puffy red eyes and shakes her head no as a few tears escape her eyes.

"I wish I was. Oh Kellin, I'm so fucking sorry! A-Austin was so angry that I cheated on him with you. Then when he found out I was pregnant, he t-told me to get an a-aborti-" I raised my hand to make her stop talking.

"You are NOT, I repeat, NOT getting a fucking abortion!!! That could be MY freaking baby! I'm not letting you kill what could be mine!" I yell, pointing at her stomach.

"It's my baby too, dammit! You think I want to kill my own baby?! Of course not! Its just Austin doesn't want children. That was something he for sure told me he never wanted and now that I'm bringing one into the world, he tells me to kill it..." Katelynne says sadly.

"Well, you're not going to, and I mean it Katelynne. There's a 50/50 chance that that baby could be mine and I'm not letting him talk you into destroying the only child I'll probably ever have." I say looking her directly in her eyes.

"Okay. I understand and I know where you're coming from, but what am I gonna do Kells? Where are you gonna go? How am I gonna hide that I didn't get an abortion? Surely, he'll figure it out that I didn't get one in about a month or two when I start showing." She says in a frantic tone.

"I know he will, but we'll face him together, alright? You're not alone in this babe." I say grabbing both of her hands and forcing her to look up at me. "And don't worry about me. I'll be just fine. Today, while I was out, I got to see some of my old friends. I'm sure I can stay with one of them." I say, now starting to smile. I could stay with Kelly and Tony! It'll give me a chance to smooth things over with him.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"Yes, I'm sure. Can you give me a ride to Tony's?" I ask as we both start to walk towards the house to get my things packed up.

"Of course I can. Again, Kellin, I'm really sorry about this. You shouldn't have to deal with me." Katelynne says frowning as we enter my room.

"Its okay, really. I understand you do what you have to do to please the one you love... You love Austin, right?" I ask, just checking to make sure.

"Yes. That I am sure of. I love him with everything in me and now that I think about it, he's been a pretty amazing boyfriend, until I fucked everything up." She says sadly before flopping face forward on my bed. I roll my eyes at her.

"Well anyone who would force their girlfriend to get an abortion is not 'amazing', at all." I say bluntly. Katelynne rolls over on her side and looks up at me with an odd expression on her face.

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