Chapter 12!

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ALEX POV: "So how've you been?" Jack asks me. We're at the guys venue and Sleeping With Sirens is doing their set now, so I'm stuck trying to make awkward conversation with my band. I can hardly stand to look at Jack so I'm wondering how he expects me to answer his question...

"Uh, um b-bad?" I say, cursing myself for making it sound like a question. Jack looks at me with a frown on his gorgeous face before whispering something to the guys and before I know it, I'm being pulled away from everyone and towards an empty room by Jack. He flips the light switch on before closing the door and turning around to look at me.

"Alex-" I cut him off.

"Jack, I miss you. Please... don't do this. Come back to me baby. I-I can change! I won't take things in our relationship as a joke anymore. I won't try to force you into things you don't want to do. I was stupid for trying to force you into marriage when I knew you weren't ready. It's just- I thought that maybe if I married you, you wouldn't leave me. Some idea that was, because you left anyway. I'm sorry for being such a fuck up and for ruining our relationship. J-Jack, I need you. Please..." I plead on bended knees, looking up at him as tears cascade down my face.

"Alex... I can't. I'm sorry, okay? I just... can't." He says, but I wasn't going to go down so easy.

"Jack please! I'm literally on my knees begging you! Baby, I can't sleep without you by my side, I feel so lonely... Without you, I have no purpose-" It was his turn to interrupt me this time.

"See?! That right there is the main reason why I won't take you back. Alex, you're too dependent on me. Whenever we get into fights and arguments you always automatically go into this state of mind where you think you can't live without me." He says.

"Well, it's true Jack!! I'm barely alive now!" I yell, crying even more.

"Tell me then... How were you living before me?" He asks. And to his question, I had no answer.

"I wasn't." I simply state. "I didn't know what my purpose in life was until I met you Jack. You're my everything, my heart and soul, my l-"
He cuts me off once more.

"Alex, stop. Please, don't do this to yourself. I am not worth your self destruction. Don't feel guilty of 'ruining' our relationship because you didn't. I'm the one who led you to believe that us as a couple is 'healthy' because we're not, especially the way you depend on me so much. When we were together and we had fights, I felt guilty most of the time because I know I was the one who was hurting you. I would be the cause of your anxiety attacks and all because you were afraid to lose me. I don't want that burden anymore. And plus, you never took our relationship seriously. Everything was a joke in your eyes and I get it, I'm like that too, but there's a time and a place for that. Look Alex, I want you to know that I still love you, but I can't be with you anymore. I'm sorry." He says. I try to reach out to touch him in a desperate attempt, but he ultimately moves away.

"J-Jack... don't l-leave me." I choke out in broken speech. I look up at him though blurry vision to see him frowning.

"I'll see you later Alex." He says, before turning on his heel and leaving me alone to my thoughts. Then it finally hits me. Jack is not coming back and he never will. I start to cry louder and harder, pulling my knees up to my face, wondering why I had to fuck up the best relationship of my life.


KELLIN POV: "THANK YOU LAS VEGAS!!!!" I scream into the Mic before running off stage with the rest of the band. We just finished our set and I'm super sweaty, but happy. I always am after performing for our fans. As the late-great Mitch Lucker once said "This band ain't shit without the fans." and its the truth. We have some of the most loyal fans and I love each and every one of them so much.

Madness (Kellic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon