Chapter 19!

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KELLIN POV: "Hey!" Someone yells at Justin and I. We had just come back from an hour of swimming and playing around in the water and were now headed back to our rooms. Justin looks back and then rolls his eyes.

"Incoming." He mumbles under his breath. I look at him in confusion but it immediately disappears as an angry Vic runs in front of us.

"Can I help you?" I ask, already annoyed by his presence. He looks at Justin.

"You. Go. I need to speak to him alone." He says nodding his head towards me. Justin gives me a sympathetic look before walking off towards his room.

"Well, what do you want?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest.

"Why?" He asks, letting his guard down.

"Why what?" I ask in confusion.

"Don't play dumb Kellin. I know what you're trying to do." He says narrowing his eyes.

"Whatever do you mean Vic?" I ask in an innocent voice before starting to walk towards Justin's room.

"You're trying to seduce me so I'll come running back to you, but it's not gonna work. So whatever you think is gonna happen between us, stop it, because you and I are over. Got that? O-V-E-R!!!" He yells. I just look at him as a smirk begins to play across my lips.

"You know, for someone who gets hard seeing their ex in a speedo, you sure don't seem like you want us to be over." I say gnawing on my bottom lip.

"I do. I have completely gotten over you." Vic says confidently. I roll my eyes at that statement.

"Yeah, okay. Whatever." I say walking past him and towards me and Alex's room.

"Wait! Kellin, I need to ask you something." He calls out, running up to me once again.

"What is it Vic?" I ask impatiently.

"Um, this is gonna be kind of embarrassing, but I need a place to sleep for the rest of the night." He mutters under his breath. Hmmm. I wonder why..?

"First of all, why? And second of all, why can't you stay with Mike? He doesn't have a roomie." I say trying to walk past him, but he cuts me off from my path.

"Dani and I had a fight. She won't let me sleep in the room tonight. And because for some reason, Mike is mad at me and will not let me sleep in his room." He says.

"You can sleep in Justin's room. There. Problem solved. Good Night Vic." I say.

"Kellin, please." He says giving me a pleading look. I roll my eyes and groan.

"Fine. You can stay with Alex and I." I say. I wasn't too happy about this though. How am I supposed to be moving on if Vic is bothering me all the fucking time?


"What is he doing here?" Alex asks menacingly. Vic and I arrived about 5 minutes ago and Alex practically dragged me into the bathroom to have a talk about Vic.

"He needed a place to sleep because Danielle kicked him out." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"Kellin, I thought you said you were over him. I thought you said you were done with him. Why do you keep letting him into your life?" Alex asks rudely. I don't know what his problem was but I sure was about to give him a piece of my mind.

"You need to calm the fuck down Alex. All he's doing is spending the night and as soon as morning comes you can kick him out, alright? And plus, people can change their minds. Okay, so I want him back. So what? I'm allowed to and there's nothing you can do about it. We got into this situation so we can get back with our ex's, not for me to just give up on Vic while you live happily ever with Jack." I say.

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