Chapter 16!

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VIC POV: "Hey. You alright babe? I'm really sorry about Kell-" She raises her hand to silence me in a peaceful manner. We just got back from the cafe and Danielle's in the bathroom, re-applying her makeup because her crying messed it up.

"I'm fine Vic. I'm gonna go hang out with Oliver for awhile." She says walking past me and towards the door, but I immediately run in front of her, stopping her from going anywhere.

"What? Why are you going off with Oli?" I ask suspiciously.

"Simple: Because I can. He's my friend and that's what friends do. They hang out with each other, duh?" She says trying to throw some humor into the conversation, but I wasn't finding anything funny.

"I don't like Oliver and I don't want you around him. So you need to drop this little friendship you have with him." I say defiantly.

"I don't like Kellin. I don't like Tony. I don't like Jaime, and I can barely deal with Mike, yet I have to deal with their bullshit every fucking day and I just can't Vic. I can't. Everyone has that certain friend who they can go to when they're down in the dumps. And for me, while I'm on tour with you guys, Oli is that friend for me." She says.

"But why can't I be that friend?" I ask her.

"You just can't Vic. I need time away from you, away from all this drama. I'll be back later, excuse me." She says pushing past me and walking out the door. I roll my eyes and sigh before closing the door and walking away from it, going to sit on my bed.

Out of all people, why does she have to be friends with Oliver? Doesn't she know he has a reputation for flirting with people who are already in relationships? That's exactly why I don't want her around him; I saw the way he was looking at her. He's trying to take her away from me, but I refuse to let that happen.


ALEX POV: As I lie on the bed, watching Kellin sleep, I can't help but start to become angry at Vic. He didn't have to be so heartless towards Kellin, after all, he started it. None of this would have happen had he not been such an unfaithful son of a bitch. I just can't understand how he could ever leave Kellin for that lame ass piece of shit that he's dating. I know I shouldn't be getting mad at Danielle, because you can't help who you fall for, but damn it! It makes me so angry that Vic just treats Kellin any kind of way, like his little rag doll or something. It's wrong as fuck and I'm gonna do something about it. I'm going to teach him a lesson not to fuck around with Kellin anymore.

Not being able to contain myself any longer, I slowly slide away from Kellin and pull the covers over him, keeping his body warm. I slide on my shoes before jogging over to the door. I take one more look at Kellin's sleeping figure before turning around and leaving the room, heading to Vic's.


"Who is it?!" Vic yells, once he hears me knocking on his door loudly.

"Open the door and find out!" I yell back, stopping my incessant knocking. Vic swings the door open and rolls his eyes, looking unimpressed.

"What the fuck do you want?" He asks rudely.

"Is Danielle here?" I ask quickly, scanning the room for any sight of her.

"No. She's with Oliver... Why?" He asks suspiciously.

"Good and because I don't want her to get in the way of what I'm gonna do to you." I say evilly.

"What are-" Those were the only two words he got out before I punched him square in the jaw. He immediately falls to the ground and grips his cheek while I close the door, locking it. I lean down and pick him up by his throat and throw him to the other side of the room. All I see is red and now all that I want to do is hurt Vic to the point where he'll regret ever calling me his friend. And that's exactly what I did.

Madness (Kellic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя