Chapter 25!

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KELLIN POV: "Alright Kellin, what's wrong with you? You've been giving me the silent treatment ever since we left the club." Alex and I had just gotten back from the club about 15 minutes ago and were in his bedroom getting ready for bed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say dodging the truth and going into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"That's bullshit and you know it. God, I hate when you do this Kellin. I mean, would it kill you to act like a damn adult for once and tell me what's wrong instead of avoiding me?" Alex asks with a hint of anger in his tone.

"Excuse me? If I remember correctly, YOU were the one who was letting his fucking ex grind all up against him, not ME. You have no right to be angry at me so don't go getting an attitude, because you were in the wrong, not me. You need to get your shit together Alex. I mean, did you really expect me to be okay with that?!" I yell at him before walking back into the bedroom.

"Oh... So that's what this is all about." He says quietly.

"Duh? Why else would I be mad at you?" I ask curiously.

"No reason. Look Kells, we were just dancing and having a good time. Nothing too serious, I mean you know how Jack and I are. We play around a lot with each other. I have completely come to terms that Jack and I are never getting back together, and I'm okay with that. Its just, I'm tired of being weird and awkward with him. Its better to forgive and forget and just go on with our lives. Plus... He's my best friend and we're in a band together. We've been acting like this since high school, I just figured you would understand and accept it, but I guess I was wrong..." He says sadly.

"Alex, look. I'm sorry, its just that I don't feel comfortable with you and Jack being all... close. It makes me feel insecure and inadequate. I mean, you look at him like he's some sort of freaking God, who could never do anything wrong and then there's just little ol' me. I'm practically nothing compared to him in your eyes." I say, starting to let tears fall from my eyes. Alex looks at me with sad, pitiful eyes before scooping me up in his lap and sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"Oh Kellin... Don't think like that love. You know that I care about you. I would never do anything to hurt you." He says rubbing my back soothingly as I lie my head on his shoulder.

"I know, but baby, I'm scared. Scared of losing you and scared of being alone. I-I don't want you to leave me. A-Alex, I need you." I sob, probably sounding pathetic, but I didn't care at the moment. I needed him to know that I was serious about this topic.

"There's no need to be scared Kells. In case you haven't noticed, Jack is dating Zack, and is happy might add. Jack and I are over for good this time, I promise. Look, I know you've been feeling insecure lately, especially with all the things going on with Vic and Danielle, but I would never do what he did to you. You don't have to worry about me leaving you because I would never do that, so don't be scared, alright love?" Alex says quietly in to my ear.

"Okay, I'll try not to be." I say still unsure of his words. I lean back and look deep to his eyes before he begins to speak again.

"You trust me... right?" He asks. I don't say anything.

"Kellin, I asked you a question." He says condescendingly.

"I know, I'm not deaf Alex." I snap. "Its just I don't know how to answer that question..." I trail off. He looks at me oddly before putting his hands on my hips and moving me onto his bed. He turns on his side facing me before speaking again.

"Its a yes or no question Kellin. Yes, you do trust me or no, you don't trust me." He says, irritation dripping in every word of his sentence.

"Okay..." I say, not wanting to reveal the answer.

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