Chapter 10!

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KELLIN POV: Alex left to go hang out with Rian and Zack about 30 minutes ago and I already miss him. I'm suddenly filled with this overwhelming feeling of loneliness and I don't like it so I decided to do the one thing I've been dreading...

VIC POV: As I pace back and forth across the floor angrily, I can't help but think about how much I'm overreacting. Why do I even care that Alex and Kellin are together? They probably won't last long anyway. It didn't last long before me, so it won't last too long after me. I'm the best Kellin has ever had and Alexander William Gaskarth will NEVER change that. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door and I jump a little from it. I quickly run over to it and swing it open to find the one person who's been occupying my mind way too much.

He was wearing a blue tank top with skin tight skinny jeans, that complemented his bulge perfectly. He was also wearing black Tom's and a black fedora that made him look so hot. And God his smile, so fucking hot. It's taking everything in me not to snatch his clothes off and fuck him senseless right now.

"Had a good look?" Kellin asks, smirking. I quickly snap out of my trance and look away, blushing.

"Sorry, you just, um, yeah never mind. What's up?" I ask as he walks in and plops down on the bed. He completely ignores my question.

"Where's the slut?" He asks, crossing his legs. I sit across from him and frown.

"Kellin, she's not a slut! She's my girlfriend, and you need to show her some respect." I say firmly. "And she went shopping before the show tonight." I say.

"As long as I have breath in my body, I will never respect her. She took what was rightfully mine and I'll never forgive her for that." He says bluntly.

"Why are you here?" I ask, now annoyed with his presence.

"To give this back." He says, slipping his wedding ring off and throwing it at my chest. "I no longer need it anymore since I'm with Alex now. And by the way, after this leg of the tour, I'll be back to get the rest of my stuff out of the house since I'll be moving in with Alex and-"

"Wait. Isn't Alex dating Jack? And you're already moving in with him?" I ask incredulously.

"No. They broke up. And yes, I don't have anywhere else to go. So why not move in with my boyfriend?" He asks. I nod my in understanding until I suddenly realize something.

"Wait... Alex lives in Baltimore. So does that mean-" He cuts me off.

"Yup. I'll be moving to Baltimore with him."

"O-Oh. Well, that's um, that's cool." I say awkwardly.

"Yeah, I can't wait either. You know, I think you were right earlier. It is time for me to get over what happened and move on. So thank you for that eye opener." He says smiling.

"Um, yeah sure. Whatever." I say.

"So did you order new divorce papers? I'll sign my actual name this time." He says winking. I chuckle at him.

"Eager are we?" I ask smirking.

"Yes, Alex won't fuck me until we're officially divorced." He says as if it wasn't a big deal.

"F-Fuck? You guys are already talking about that? We didn't start having sex until like 3 or 4 months into the relationship." I say a little hurt.

"Well... Alex is special. I don't wanna wait with him so the sooner I sign those papers, the quicker my sex life resumes." He says smirking. I frown at him.

"But what about that rule you made up when we were dating that you needed to get to know the person first?" I ask.

"I already know Alex. Besides, I don't want to wait. I mean, when I was with you, I didn't exactly know who you were until we started talking a lot, and plus I don't want to do exactly what I did with you to him. I mean, I don't want him to cheat on me and leave me because of something that I-" I place my hand over his mouth to make him stop talking.

"It wasn't something you did Kellin..." I say looking into his beautiful blue eyes and removing my hand.

"What? I don't understand." He asks in confusion.

"Me leaving you for Danielle... It had nothing to do with you. It was all me, okay? Kellin, I was on tour when I met her and I was feeling lonely one day and one thing led to another and we just started falling for each other." I say scooting close to him. He seemed to be nervous and that's exactly where I wanted him to be. Yeah, he definitely still loves me.

"W-Why are you telling me this?" He asks, stuttering when I start to gently caress his thigh.

"Because I want to put your insecurities to rest. I want you to know that everything that happened between us was all my fault. You Kellin-" I start moving my hand slowly upward. "-You're absolute perfection." I whisper while looking directly into his eyes. I smirk and am feeling a little bit daring so I slowly slide my hand over his bulge. Whatever trance I had him in, he quickly shakes it and rolls away from me.

"Stop it Vic. Unlike you, I'm not a cheater. And if I was so 'perfect', then why'd you have to leave me then, huh?" He snaps. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"It was a bad idea coming here without Alex. I'm gonna go." He says making a beeline for the door. He only gets the door open a crack before I slam it back closed. I push Kellin back on the door roughly and pin his arms up above his head so he couldn't move.

"Since when do you need Alex, huh? You don't! He was wrong this morning. You are NOT his. You will NEVER be his! You are MINE Kellin, and you always will be." I growl at him. The anger was back from earlier and I couldn't help myself. He needed to know his place. I un-button his jeans and slide his zipper down before sliding my hand into his boxers, wrapping my fingers around his semi-hard cock.

"This is mine. You got that?" I ask slowly starting to stroke him. He looks at me with desperation in his eyes, practically pleading for me to leave him alone, but I wasn't going to. I needed him to know that he was mine and not Alex's.

"N-No. It's not y-yours. Get away from me V-Vic before I-" He's cut off by his own moans as I run my thumb over his sensitive tip.

"You were saying?" I ask with a smirk.

"D-Danielle, I'll tell-Oh fuck- Danielle." He moans as I started to stroke him faster. But that statement got my attention and I  immediately pull away from him, leaving a breathless Kellin to drop to the floor.

"Fuck Kellin, I'm sorry. I didn't even comprehend what I was doing to you. Please, don't tell Danielle." I plead with him. He looks at me with a deranged expression but that quickly turns into a sly smirk.

"You are a jealous little one, aren't you?" He asks, putting his clothes back together.

"I don't know what came over me. I've never been that possessive over someone before. And I am not! You just look really hot in that outfit and yeah!" I yell trying to make him believe I wasn't jealous. He all of a sudden starts cracking up.

"You always were a bad liar." He says chuckling.

"I was able to hide Danielle away from you for 3 months, so who's the bad liar now?" I ask playfully, but as soon as I said that I could feel the tension between us go back up again. Oh shit, I went to far...

"Shut the fuck up, asshole. You're a dick. That is not a subject to be joked about. You don't joke about infidelity idiot. God, just- stay away from me Fuentes." He says menacingly before opening the door and quickly walking out.

Oh, what a morning I just had.

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