Chapter 27!

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Sorry for the long wait you guys :/ I'll try to update again soon (:

KELLIN POV: "Soooo..." Zack says, trying to break the awkward silence between the 6 of us. For the past 10 minutes, everyone has been quietly eating and sneaking small little glares at each other, especially Vic. He can't take his eyes off of Alex and I and I don't blame him. I wouldn't know what to say if I walked in on him and Danielle either.

"Um, how long did you say you were going on tour for?" I ask Alex quietly.

"6 months." Zack, Jack, and Alex answer all at the same time. I chuckle a little bit.

"Thank you, All Time Low, minus Rian. Hey, where is he anyway?" I ask in confusion.

"Oh after we left the club, he decided to go home to his girlfriend's house instead of coming with us." Zack says answering my question. All of sudden, Danielle's phone starts to ring and she quickly gets up from the table to get it.

"Hello?" She answers. There's a pause before she begins to smile and speak again.

"Oh Hey Oli, and no, I'm not busy, but I'm getting ready to go to my photo shoot in about an hour. What's up?" She says, walking out of the room. I catch Vic roll his eyes and I frown. I make a mental note to talk to Oliver some time later about his time with Danielle.

We all finish up breakfast and clear the table before going our separate ways for the rest of the day.


"Well, that was one weird breakfast." Alex says, before pulling more boxes of his things out of the closet and placing them by the door.

"You're telling me... But anyways, what do you suppose we do for our last 5 days together before your half a year tour?" I ask, sighing and rolling my eyes. Alex drops a box by the door before walking over to me. He wraps his arms around my waist before pulling me closer. I then wrap my arms around his neck and look up into his eyes.

"Anything you want to, but something else tells me you're not okay with this... Am I right?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I nod my head yes before speaking again.

"Mhmm. But its not because I don't trust you around Jack, its just, I won't be able to see you." I say frowning.

"Awww don't be sad love. Hey, doesn't your tour end before mine?" He asks.

"Yeah, it ends in the next 3 months. Why?" I ask curiously.

"Well, I was thinking that you could maybe come spend the last 3 months of my tour with me once you finish your tour. Then that way we don't have to be apart for so long. Sound good?" He asks.

"Sounds perfect." I say smiling before leaning up and capturing his sweet lips in mine.


KELLIN POV: "Now boarding flight 413 to San Diego." A flight attendant suddenly announces over the intercom. I look over at Alex and smile before standing up and grabbing the handle of one of my suitcases.

"That's my plane babe." I say sadly as Alex stands up next to me. The last five days I've spent with him have been absolute bliss. After we left Jack and Zack's house, we both decided to try and make the best of the last few days we had together because neither one of us wanted to leave each other on a bad note.

"Hey, why are you looking so sad?" Alex asks.

"Because I don't want to go without you... Are you sure you can't just quit All Time Low and come on tour with me?" I ask him for the fifth time today. He just chuckles and nods his head.

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