Alaric runs over to me and cups my chin in his large hand. "Calm down, Annabelle. Being angry won't fix anything. Yes, you were used but you don't need to be mad at the last of the family you have left."

I frown, realizing what he said. Everything in me, all my emotions, drop like a rock down a cliff. My eyes widen and my mouth parts in shock. My body slackens and I would drop to the floor if Mason didn't have a hold on me.

"Oh my gods, oh my-"

"Shhh, it's okay, Belle. He will realize you didn't mean it." Alaric whispers, still holding onto my face.

I pull away from him and rip myself from Mason's arms. The need to get away is too strong. The need to run, hide, feel broken, feel something other than guilt, to breathe fills me.

I begin running in an aimless direction, my feet taking full control. I can't do anything. Why do I try? My father was right.

If I can even call him father. He seemed too shocked at my announcement of alliances.

Am I that untrustworthy? Is that why no one has told me about mother being dead or that father is getting sicker and sicker? Why Alexon and Mason have been training harder and harder? Why everyone babies me like I'm still just a simple girl again.

My feet slapping on the stone ground goes unnoticed to my ears but makes all the guards stiffen. The blurring of the gray stone makes running hard but I can't blame it on hitting my head, the tears are a reminder that I am a girl and no matter how much I want to stand strong, I can't.

I hear my name being called but I purposefully ignore it. Why doesn't anyone realize what's going on? Are they all blind to what is happening?

Just one little spark to make a flame. That man made me realize this.

Maybe if I run, no hide, maybe, just maybe, I can escape from this torture.

"Belle!" Alexon crys out.

Too close. He's too close to me! Make him go away!

Hands touch me causing screams to bubble from me. I thought having them leave would make me feel bad but this beats it. They put me first. Why!? I'm nothing to them. I hold no status! I am just a little girl that annoys them in their eyes.

A hand clamps down onto the back of my dress and holds on firmly. I scream and twist to be free. All my efforts are useless when our guards are supposed to catch someone. They know how and my struggling is useless while I am in their grasp.

Even my tear stained, sobbing body means nothing to them when they are ordered to catch someone.

"Release me this instant!" I cry out. More like scream out but I don't even care at the moment anymore.

A familiar face comes from behind the burly guard that is holding me. Alexon's frown deepens and his hazel eyes seem to shine in the darkness of the hallway.

I look around and realize I went into the deeper section of the castle. The place where all four wings meet, where darkness is a friend to the stone.

My gaze meets Alexon's soft eyes and I see him lift a lantern to look at me better. His eyes widen when he notices the sobbing mess I am.

"Release her!" He commands to the guard who immediately obeys and backs away, making me fall to the floor with no support.

I'm just a weak little girl. He protects me because I am a child to him, because my father is sick, because I have no one left to care for me.

Mason probably thinks the same thing. That I am just a toy to him.

"None of that is true, Annabelle. Why do you think those things?" Alaric bellows, anger in his voice.

I flinch as if I've been hit and try to back away but their hazel and blue eyes keep me in a spot. "P-please don't hurt me!" I beg. I'm so so sorry. My eyes drop to the floor in pure terror.

"What has gotten into you! Me hit a girl?! Do you think that I would stoop that low?!" Alexon bellows. I flinch back, which seems to be my only way of backing up.

My limbs seem frozen along with my mouth. All I can do is watch them with frightened eyes.

"Oh, I don't have to touch her to hurt her. Just one snap with my fingers and she will be wringing in pain." Alaric sneers. "She's just too useless to us."

"Now we see why even dear daddy doesn't want you." Alexons snickers. "All she does is cry!"

I cover my ears with my hands. "Stop, please!" I beg. "Please!"

"Oh, look, Alaric, she is resorting to begging now. What will she do next?"

"Alaric, Alexon, that is enough!" Someone bellows.

My forehead lays agains tthe cold stone and tears fall from my face and land on the floor. My whole body is shaking and I still have my hands over my ears.

No no no! I refuse to believe them even if they were confirming what I was thinking. What did I do to them?!

Someone's hand touch me and a blood curdling scream erupts from me.

The hands release me as feet thunder towards me. "Please please leave me alone. That's all I wanted and still want. Please." I beg silently.

Arms wrap around my body, providing heat. Someone lays next to me on the cold floor and other scream erupts from me. The person holding me kisses my temple and pulls me closer to them.

My hands slide from my ears to my eyes. "Please please. Leave me alone."

"But I promised to never let you be alone. I always keep my promises." Mason whispers in my ear.

"What is going on!?" The king bellows, causing me to flinch again.

"Go away. Please. I just want to be alone." I mutter - almost cry - out.

The Favorite Princess [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now