Who Eats and Who Refuses

Start from the beginning


"Just that?"

"Yeah." He bit into his burger.

Rin opened her mouth, copying Gray's actions.

And with one smooth swipe, you stuck the spoon into the food, and placed it in her open mouth.

Rin immediately shut her mouth, looking displeased.

She attempted to hit the spoon away, but you had already placed it safely on the table.

"She doesn't eat often?" Gray asked, through munches.

"No, she eats...just when she's feeling like it. And when she refuses to eat, she only eats when Lucas feeds her."


You scooped up food with the spoon and handed it to Gray.

"You try."

Gray opened his mouth a few times as he faced Rin, the spoon out of her sight.

"I tried that before..." You started.

Rin giggled, and opened her mouth too. Almost immediately, he gently fed her.

You turned to Gray, a murderous look in your eyes.

"Why do my children always prefer guys over me?" You slumped.

Gray patted your back. "It's called 'choosing the correct path.'

You slapped him.

The sound of a door opening was heard. "I'm home..."

You left from your spot by the table. "Natsu." You grinned.

His entire body relaxed as he hugged you, his hands were warm against your back.

"Are you hungry?" You asked, confused.

He nodded, and grinned.

As he walked into the kitchen, he shrieked. "What's that bastardized ice statue doing in my kitchen!?"

You covered your mouth, trying to contain your laughter.

Resuming a natural face, you walked back. "He was feeding Rin."

"He touched my kid! She's going to get his idiotic-ness! It's contagious-"

"My idiotic-ness?! How about your idiotic-ness!"

"But Rin wouldn't eat..." You looked at the baby, who was happily looking up at you, her dark eyes twinkling in the light.

You ruffled her soft pink hair. "Good baby." You complimented her.

She cooed in response, as the boys kept fighting in the background.

"I think she likes Gray." You nuzzled your nose against hers, and her tiny hands grabbed at you.

"What!" Now, both the males had stopped and gaped at you.

"I'll kill you, you bastard!" Natsu roared.

"Not if I kill you first!" Gray bellowed.

You picked up Rin, changed her shirt, and left for Fairy Tail.


"She's so soft!" Levy happily said, as she held baby Rin carefully in her arms.

"You finally found someone shorter than you, shortie?"

You looked up at Gajeel, who was looming over Levy.

She pouted, and ignored him. "Here," she gently placed her in your arms, "take the baby back and excuse me, please."

She repeatedly tried to hit Gajeel with her hands.

You grinned as you watched her. You didn't notice a certain person approaching you.


Your arms tightened around Rin.

"Lucy," you greeted.

She sat down next to you. "A baby? Looks just like Natsu." She eyed Rin.

"Thank you." You stoutly said.

"I think she takes after her dad." Lucy stroked Rin's cheek with her pointer finger.

"Who takes after me?" Natsu appeared, grinning behind Lucy.

"Natsu!" Lucy sprung up, and gave him a big hug. "We were just talking about how Rin takes after you."

Natsu scratched his neck. "Ehh, does she?" He grinned.

"I think she takes after me a bit, too..." You added, raising an eyebrow.

Lucy waved you off. "Yes, but she looks so similar to Natsu!"

___End of Chapter___


Two questions for you-

1) do you think this book has too many chapters? Lol

2) dear authors that write your own books and are reading this-

Why don't you respond to your commenters?


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Q for Gray: do you like being Rin's uncle?

Gray looks wary. "Last time I came here, I was asked if I would get Juvia pregnant..."

He looked away. "But it's not like I don't like being that kid's uncle."

Q for Juvia: would you want kids with Gray?

Juvia's eyes light up. "Juvia will definitely have Gray-sama's kids! They will be so cute!" She squeals.

She blushes. "We could be just like (Y/N)-san and Natsu-san...our own family...!"

Juvia continues to daydream, and eventually passes out due to a nosebleed.

Can't Help It ; NatsuWhere stories live. Discover now