Chapterd 7: N-no, I'm Not A Murderer

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"Look, this is my asshole of a sister Deck. Sorry if she offended you, she has a weird way of greeting people." I look up at Deck and she winks. Yeah, no shit.

"Not really a fan of hers so far," I state. She really has no manners.

"Eh, she comes around after a few slaps around," Ky states as she rolls her eyes at Deck annoyed.

"Fuck off!" Deck groans aloud. She's so mean, and I thought Ky was a complete bitch.

"Kitchens this way!" Ky guide's me as the girl walks behind me silently. I look over my shoulder and she smirks while winking at me.

"Finally! Where the hell have you been!" A unknown guy calls out as he sips the glass full of lemonade set out upon the table. I glance around the huge kitchen and marvel at the decoration. I marvel at these types of kitchens in movies with the rich families or in the catalogs that they send to my home, knowing I can't afford a damn thing.

"Chill Joel, I only went to find her," she points to me. He looks up, his jet black hair falls into his dark brown eyes. He smirks at me as he sees what I am dressed in, which is sweatpants and a dark green teenage mutant ninja turtles T-shirt with comfy footsies.

"Hello my lady, my name is Joel Thompson and you are?" He smirks walking toward me, but before he could reach me, Ky pulls the hem of his shirt roughly and yanks him backwards.

"She's not really looking for a jackass boyfriend, again." She huffs out-obviously throwing shade towards Sean.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jay," I greet and he smirks mischievously at me, as my name leaves my mouth.

"Thee Jay!?" He questions excitedly glancing over his shoulder at Ky while shaking my hand.

"Well if you're talking about the black haired girl with dark brown eyes, then yes, I'm Jay." I smile awkwardly. Why did I have to give him a visual reference of myself?

"Your eyes are hazel," Ky mumbles to herself lowly, but I catch it and ignore her. My eyes are plain brown.

"You know, Lina can always quit working here and come to my apartment and replace Vick!" A bleached blonde head girl states. She sits in the kitchen with every kind of cold cuts and bread along with the toppings like mayonnaise, mustard, pickles, in front of her.

"Yeah right! She loves us too dearly to leave for another family!" Deck chuckles hysterically going to sit across from the girl and prepare herself a sandwich.

" Yeah, but she love's me. I think I freeloaded off her food too many times! Plus I live by myself, that's less people for her to worry about," she shrugs and continues to indulge in her sandwich.

"You freeloaded ever since we became friends." Ky grunts out and roll her eyes at the toothy smiling girl.

"So who's the chick?" The girl questions as she raises her perfectly drawn eyebrows curiously. Deck turns to me and smile and Ky looks at me then at the guy, Joel, and then back at Jackie.

"Ky's sex toy!" Deck smirks as she continues to eye me mysteriously. Ky slaps the back of her head and she jumps.

"I am not her sex toy! I'm not even gay! No offense Ky and whoever else is a lesbian or homosexual or bisexual or pansexual or transsexual," I rant panicky. Why the hell did I just call out different sexualities? Everyone stares at me awkwardly for a moment and soon breaks into laughter.

"Well okay, I'm Jackie—Jack for short. I'm 20 and straight. I may have had a night with a girl or two, but I am straight!" She chuckles while taking a glance at Deck then back at her sandwich.

"I'm Joel, 21 and I'm straight. I'm positive because I dated that fucker for 2 years and it was not easy. I don't like guys because they disgust me. I disgust myself because this shirt I am wearing-I had on for a week now! Maybe two?" He smirks and chuckles.

I'm not one to judge a relationship but the one between Jackie and Joel was obviously, never mind! Not going to judge their relationship.

"I'm Deck, 18 and bisexual. I'm also a complete bitch, so it's best to avoid me," she smirks at me seductively, but also devious mixed with amusement. I turn her the same quick 'bitchy' grin.

"Ky and fuck you all for the meet and greet circle bullshit like were in a fucking group home meeting or some shit," Ky groans while walking toward the refrigerator to grab a beer. I observe her walk and confident posture, like shes trying effortlessly. Again, why am I watching her? I notice her height and how short she is but she has the ego, confidence, power and mindset the size of a giant. I noticed this within a matter of days, shows how much I pay attention to these things.

"Toss me one," Joel states and walks to a stool near Jackie. Ky tosses him one and he catches it confidently.

"Nice throw," Jackie cheers for Ky. It's kind of funny because Ky bows and waves like an idiot. I thought she'll be too cocky and shrug it off, but shes actually showing an appreciative trait.  

"So that catch was not super cool? I caught that with my fucking left hand," Joel frowns unsupported.

They continue their talking and rambling as I sit quietly upon a stool and watch them interact . I think they were so caught up in the topic of who's more athletic between Joel, Ky and Deck. I guess Deck says shes better because she plays basketball really good. Joel says he's a "beast" when it comes to soccer. Ky says she can beat their ass in basically anything, which leads to a further debate.

The doorbell finally rings throughout the home and my best guess is that it's Mari. Oh thank you Jesus because they were starting to get into the debate on who's better at sex and who gets the most "vagina". Lets keep this PG because they did not use the word "vagina".

"Show her the door Deck," Jackie demands not taking her eyes off the gorgeous masterpiece of a sandwich she has made, again. That girl sure has an appetite, I just saw her devour a 5 bread layered sandwich.

"Why can't she..." Deck tries but gets shut down by Jackie.

"Deck!" Jackie demands and Deck rolls her eyes annoyed and rises from her stool.

"Okay! Gesssh," Deck grumbles and nods her head for me to follow. I do as told and follow her. She opens it to reveal Mari angrily glaring at me. Yeah, I totally know that look.

"Your friend is kinda cute," Deck whispers to me as I give Mari an apologetic smile.

"I don't really swing that way, ya know?" Mari states, quite frantically with an attitude. She's pissed.

"That's what they all say," Deck eyes me automatically and I grunt at her words/shade.

"Bye Fuck You," Deck smirks deviously folding her arms over her chest as she leans against the modern door frame. I clutch my knuckles and clench my jaw.

" Bye annoying little fucker!" I mumble lowly so I can only hear it. She chuckles hysterically.

"I heard that! Nice ass in those sweats, by the way." I flip her off which only makes her laugh even louder- in a mocking/teasing manner.

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