Chapter 23

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I felt my face being peppered with kisses and I opened my eyes, wondering who it was. When my vision focused, I realized it was Camila. Smiling widely, I hugged her tightly, pulling her into bed with me. Kissing her over and over again, I ran my fingers through her hair. She giggled and nuzzled her head into my neck.

"I missed you, babe." she mumbled into my neck.

"I missed you too, baby." I replied. She got under the covers and wrapped her legs around me. "So, what have you been doing?" she asked.

I sighed as I traced patterns on her arm, "I have a sister. Well she's my brother actually. He's my brother. We've been hanging out." I said.

"Cool, what's his name?" she asked.

"Sam. Samuel, actually." I said with a smile. "He's so cool." I said. "Probably the brother people wish they had." I was quiet for a bit. "We should go out to eat with him." I suggested, with a smile.

She was smiling at me, "I don't want to barge in on your time with him."

"Actually, he wants to meet you."

"Well in that case, why don't we meet with him later? I'm hungry as hell." she said.

"Okay, but just promise me you won't fall in love with him. He's quite the looker." I teased.

"I can't make any promises, babe." she joked, giggling.

I poked my bottom lip out in a pout and she giggled, "You know I'm kidding, baby." She kissed me quickly on the lips, making me instantly smile. She smiled back at me, "What else have you been up to?"

"I met with Darcy a few times."

"What's she like?" she asked snuggling farther into me.

"She's cool. I don't think she really knows what to do with kids, though I'm not a kid." I said.

"You are a kid." She argued.

"Well, to you I am. You're like thirty." I joked.

She gasped and hit me lightly on my shoulder, "You are so mean!"

"I'm sorry, Ms Cabello." I said innocently. "Please don't give me detention."

She bit her bottom lip and moved to straddle my waist, "Well then what do you suggest your punishment be?" she whispered seductively in my ear, pinning my arms above my head.

"I'm sure you can come up with something yourself, Ms Cabello."

She dipped down and planted kisses on my neck, "Oh, I'm sure I can." she winked at me and licked her lips seductively.

"FREEZE! Stop this shit, now!" Kalani yelled, busting into the room and pointing her fingers like a gun at us. "I don't got time!" she pointed at us and gave us a stern look before leaving. "Shiiit, I'm trying to sleep and they're over here fucking. It don't make no sense." I heard her mutter as she walked out the door.

I waited for her to close the door before laughing. "That girl is so dramatic." I said shaking my head.

"You gotta love her though. She needs to find someone and then she'll understand the lovey-dovey, cliche bullshit." Camila said with a small laugh.

"She and Sam have been quite flirty with each other."

Camila sat up and looked at me with wide eyes, "Whaaaaaat? I've got to see this!" She exclaimed. I chuckled and closed my eyes. Resting my hand on Camila's lower back, I let out a yawn.

"Well, you'll see later today, but for now, I'm going back to sleep." I said sleepily.

"I'll go unpack then." Camila said trying to get up.

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