Chapter 32

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Later that day, Sinon had found herself asleep on Kirito. She hadn't noticed until Sugu had spoken.

"Asada-san?" Sugu said and walked towards them. "Onii-chan."

"Shh," Kirito has said and gestured to Asada-san. "She's had a long day."

Asada-san had thought of waking up, embarrassed to be caught sleeping on his shoulder by his cousin.

"Should we let her stay with us?" Sugu asked.

"Yeah, I'll take her home tomorrow. Come on, let's take her upstairs."

Asada-san bit her lip, just knowing she was going to be held by Kirito. Kirito held her up and walked upstairs.

"Kirito?" Asada-san said quietly so that only he can hear.


"Thank you."

He smiled and led her inside Sugu's room. He put her down on her bed and faced his cousin.

"Take care of her, okay?"

"Okay!" Sugu said and stood next to Asada-san. "We're roommates now."

"Shhh," Kirito said even though he knew Asada-san was still awake.

Kirito gave them a wave and walked out. Asada-san smiled and slowly fell asleep, Sugu slowly disappearing and feeling as if she wasn't there with her.

When she had opened up her eyes, Sugu was sleeping next to her and it was already dark. She got up softly and looked at the time. It was already 1am. She got off slowly and decided to get some water or use the restroom.

She stepped out and saw that Kirito's light was still on. She walked towards it and thought if she should knock. She thought maybe he had fell asleep and left it on on purpose. She slowly opened the door and realized the light was off but just the small lamp from his desk was on.

Kirito appeared to be on his computer, writing in some files. Asada-san couldn't see really clearly since the screen was blinding, but he looked so focused.

She decided to leave him alone, slowly drawing back his door.

"Are you still awake?" he asked.

Asada-san turned around, Kirito not turning around.

"Yeah, I am," she responded.

"That's good to hear. I didn't want to wake you," he said.

"Wake me? No it's fine," she said. "I thought I woke you up."

Kirito chuckled.


Asada-san laughed gently.

"Yeah, what are you doing awake anyways?" she asked and leaned on the door.

"I wanted to make sure you weren't all alone in that room of yours," he said.

Asada-san looked a bit confused and looked over at him again.

"I hope Yui is keeping you company just like how I am to you."


Could it be...?

Was he talking to Asuna?!

"I told her she had to look over mommy. Tell Yui hi for me, okay?" he said.




Asada-san felt herself get embarrassed. All this time she thought he was talking to her, he was talking to Asuna. She turned around fast and left his room quickly, closing the door. She left his room with a loud shut and quickly went back into Sugu's room. She went back into bed and turned away from the door. She shouldn't have entered his room.

The door to Sugu's room opened and she just knew it was Kirito. She felt him walk towards them, Asada-san closing her eyes so he wouldn't notice her.

She still felt his presence, feeling as if she might fail on staying asleep. After a moment, he had let out a breathe and had left the room. Asada-san turned back to the doorway and frowned.


Morning had arrived, Asada-san washing her face and heading downstairs with Sugu. Kirito wasn't there, Asada-san frowning a bit.

"Oh, Onii-chan isn't awake yet," she said. "I should wake him up."

"You should let him sleep, maybe. I've probably tired him out from yesterday. Tell him that I left, alright?"

"You sure?"

Asada-san nodded.

"Bye Sugu. I'll see you later."

Asada-san walked off and bit her lip. She didn't know what to say from last night's encounter. She felt...betrayed.

But who was she to speak of. She was the one who betrayed Asuna.

She walked herself back home, looking down on the ground staring at the cracks.

"Aye! Is that you Asada-san?"

She turned around and saw that it was Klein. She turned away from him and continued walking.

"I was on my way to you, anyways. Hey, wait up," Klein said and caught up to her.

"What do you want, Klein?" she asked.

"What's with the attitude? Actually, I came to apologize," he said.

Asada-san turned around to face him.

"Now? Why the change?"

"I admit it. I was acting stupid," he said and scratched the back of his head. "I guess I over thinked it with my jealousy."

"There's no need for you to be jealous," she said.

"Asada-san!" Klein exclaimed and grabbed her hand. "I like you!"

Asada-san looked at him, surprised. She looked at Klein and she had saw Kyouji in him. His face was there, that look. The temptation in his eyes.

She felt herself get paranoid that she pushed Klein away without thinking.

"Get away from me!"


"Get away! Get away!" she yelled, some people glancing their way. "Leave me alone for once!"

Asada-san ran and felt herself cry. She had made a fool out of herself again. Today wasn't her day. She reached the park and walked over to the swings and picked up her phone.


She had to settle this.

She bit her lip and nodded her head, heading her way into the mental asylum. This wasn't going to be just another visit. She was going to have a real talk with him.

Asada-san walked inside the mental asylum and went towards the recipient.

"I'm Asada Shino. I'm here to see Shinkawa Kyouji."

The recipient gave her a pass after all the data he gathered on the computer. Asada-san held it firmly, standing up straight and going up the elevator. She didn't let her fear get to her. She couldn't let him get to her again and interfere with her own personal issues.

She stepped out and walked towards his room, sliding the pass. She looked around, the room darker and the glass between them. She tapped it and made sure he can hear her.

"Kyouji? It's me, Asada-san. Let's talk."

With that said, she saw an apparition appear from the bed, Asada-san preparing herself to see him again.

"It's been a while, Shino."

She gave him a serious look, avoiding him to realize that she was a bit scared.

She was face to face with him, as if the glass didn't exist.

He smirked, Asada-san crossing her hands over her chest.


You pathetic fool.

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