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My usual study floor was packed to the point kids were sitting on the ground between book shelves and cases.

Martie was sitting in our sorority's rented out study room, so I went over and sat in there with her. She smiled up at me but then continued to read through her notes. It looked like she had been studying here since she got back from the restaurant.

Where was Natalie? She was supposed to be with Martie. I decided I should shoot her a text to make sure she was ok.

Where are you? -Karlie

I didn't get a text back immediately so I pulled out my textbook and read through a couple chapters before my phone pinged with a new message.

With Abe and Kenny -Natalie

Ok. You still spending the night with Martie tonight? -Karlie

Yes. Are you having Apollo back to our room again? -Natalie

Did Kenny tell you that? -Karlie

Oh, I was pissed. Kenny was mad that I rejected him and so now he was telling private things to all of my friends. If I wanted to tell Natalie that Harry spent the night, I would have. However I didn't want to tell her because I knew her reaction would be as judgmental as it was now.

Does it matter who told me it? You never told me. -Natalie

We didn't do anything. Plus I didn't want you to think poorly of me. I like him and I think he likes me so please don't be such a bitch about it Nat -Karlie

A bitch? You said you think he likes you. What happens when he realizes over break that he doesn't want to be with his freshmen anymore? -Natalie

Fuck you -Karlie

My eyes had started to water and I shut my book to go back to my room. Martie said goodbye as I got up to leave so I smiled at her and left. The wind was harsh as I walked along the sidewalk with my arms crossed over my chest to keep my fingers warm under my armpits and my feet moved me forward faster and faster.

I didn't know why I started crying when I got back to my room but I did. I wasn't sure if it was because I knew I was going to bomb this make up essay tomorrow or if it was because I knew Natalie was right. Harry would see that I'm just a freshmen when he goes back home for that one week. He's graduating in May and I'm graduating in three and a half years. It's not possible to make this work. We wouldn't even last three and a half years even if we were an actual couple. So what's the fucking point?

A knock sounded on my door and I prayed it wasn't Harry already. I didn't want him to see me cry anymore. I was done. I didn't want to be his little play toy anymore.

I opened the door wiping my tears off with the back of my hand and I was surprised to see Penelope there.

"I need you to persuade me not to go slash Pete's tires," she sighed into the room not realizing that I was in the same state as she was.

"I don't think that's a good idea. You'll probably get arrested. You know his dad is a sheriff in the town over," I scrunched my brows up looking at her like she was stupid, because she was.

Pete was her on again off again boyfriend this whole semester. One night we went to a party together and they met and I was the third wheel for the rest of the party. It was boring until Abe and I hung out, but now that I look back on it, I was disgusted that I ever partied with Abe.

"Yes, I know, Karlie," she sighed plopping down on Nat's bed. "But I don't want this to be the end for us. We're so good together!"

"Yeah, you two are good together, but you two fight a good portion of the time too. There comes a point in a relationship when it's just not worth it anymore. It's suffocating to be around you two when you guys are fighting."

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