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"Karlie honey," my mother yelled up the stairs for me.

I didn't respond and I knew all she wanted was to have dinner with me, but I couldn't get myself to get out from under my warm covers. The night was surprisingly chilly, but my massive comforter kept my bare legs warm. My room still smelled slightly of Harry and I had been clinging to his scent since he left with King.

I shifted my body over to where he had been sitting and I layed there, closed my eyes, and breathed in his smell. He was such an attractive male. Like of course there are cute guys in the world, but Harry was beyond cute, beyond attractive, and beyond realistic, he was that good-looking. It was an unattainable attraction and I was gambling with him, his deck was full and my deck was only a tenth full. He was unattainable for me and unavailable for me.

But yet, we had something. There was an unspoken comfortability between us, and I didn't think it would be that way when he got here, mostly because its always awkward going to someone's home for the first time, but we understood each other by the way we wore our emotions, even as much as we both tried to hide them. It was beyond me, but I knew that I needed to make him mine, whether we were good friends, boyfriend and girlfriend, or friends with benefits. I needed his companionship because we understood each other and that was incredibly rare for me to find.

How's King acting? Is he getting drunk? - Karlie

He texted back immediately and I wondered if Kingston had ditched Harry at the bar for some girl, err guy, to talk up.

Getting there haha. - Harry

Let me know if you need me to come pick you two up :) - Karlie

I will. Thank you. I'm not having much to drink myself so I should be fine to drive home, but I'll definitely let you know. - Harry

Please do :)  I don't want to find you or my brother on the news in the morning - Karlie

I stayed up and watched Friends reruns again, but honestly I didn't mind watching it because it passed the time easily. Low key, I was kind of hoping he would text me to pick them up so I could see him drunk again. He was a funny drunk, but also a considerably annoying and stubborn drunk.

It was getting closer and closer to 2am, but I still hadn't heard from either of them. I texted Harry and Kingston both a couple of times but still I heard nothing back.

I crawled out of bed and put on a loose burgundy sweater and black leggings. I pulled on some black over the knee boots and tip toed down the stairs so I wouldn't wake up my mother. I grabbed her car keys and snuck out the front door. Thankfully she parked on the street of our neighborhood in the city so I could steal it without her knowing (obviously this wasn't my first time), and I went to go park the car by all of the bars downtown.

Creepy guys were eyeing me the entire walk to my first stop, so I put a little hop in my step to find my boys. I had no luck at the first one, so I went to the one next door and saw Kingston's broad shoulders in the mayhem of drunk college kids home from school and trying to steer clear of their parents.

I shoved through some people and caught up to my brother. He noticed me immediately as I tracked him down and I could tell in his eyes that he was a goner.

"Karlie!!!" Kingston yelled out and ordered me a drink. "Wait, how did you get in here?"

"Don't make that," I yelled to the bartender and he smirked at me knowing how shit faced my brother was, but yet, he didn't stop serving him fucking alcohol. "Ugh," I ran my hand over my forehead and into my hair, "fake ID, Kingston. College 101."

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