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Harry's POV

I pulled my wallet out from my pocket and saw the cash I had. Two crisp fifty dollar bills were inside and I pulled one out and left it on the table as I stood up to walk away.

"Harry!" Sarah chirped as I started my walk of shame. I put my hands in my pockets and continued out the door of the restaurant to my car. The people all around watched as we gave them one of the most entertaining nights of their life.

Her heels soon clicked after me and I locked the doors  of the car before she could get in. I knew I was being ridiculous but I had spent almost 6 years dealing with her bullshit. I needed a moment to collect myself. I had snapped at her for being an awful person when I probably should have dumped her nicer. I mean, I was the one who had cheated on her multiple times.

I had enough of her begging to let her inside the car, so I unlocked the doors and she took a seat next to me.

"I slept with a lot of girls in college," I admitted as I stared forward at the restaurant in front of us. I sighed and felt her stiffen next to me.

"You what?" Her throat tightened and I could hear her whiney water works begin.

My eyes latched onto an object and stared off as I thought about all of the girls, all of the drunken nights, all of the "good times" I had in college. "I had sexual relations with a lot of girls in college and I'm sorry I hid it from you. I really am."

"You...how many?"

"I don't know," I chuckled embarrassed that I had no clue who I had been having sex with in the past. "I'm sorry I kept up a face with you. I should have been honest with you and shouldn't have dragged you along all this time."

"I," she stumbled for words and I felt my chin tremble. I couldn't be crying. I just couldn't be.

"I'm sorry. I really am," I gave up trying to hold the tears back and I became an emotional mess for a moment. Sarah stayed quiet, not even reaching out to touch me, as she listened to me regret everything I had ever done in college.

"Take me to the airport," she swallowed and I felt my body betray me. My emotions were clouding everything I was thinking and I felt so terrible as I confessed my sins to her. The moment got out of hand as I continued to cry and I reached out to hold her. She pulled away and slapped me across the face.

"Six years, Harry! Does that mean nothing to you?" Her shrill voice sent chills up my body and I widened my bloodshot eyes to look at her. "You cheated on me for six years! But you still don't have the decency to work it out with me?"

"What?" I closed my eyes. She couldn't really think...think that I wanted to work it out with her. I opened my eyes to see her sentimental but very sad eyes. "Sarah," I sighed and ran my hand over my face, wiping away my embarrassing tears.

"Even after you slept with those sluts, you came back! You came back to me, Harry," her voice slowed down and she tried to soothe my body as her hand reached out to rub chest. "Six years you came back to me, each and every time. You know me!"

Her voice softened and I cringed thinking about trying to work it out with her. "I think we could work through this. I know you're feeling sorry about this, but maybe this is our big break. Things can get so much better if we just work together and spend time with each other. We could be the best team there ever was!"

I was shocked. She wasn't upset anymore. Her tone was seductive and her hands kept massaging and rubbing over my chest and shoulders, trying to bring me back in. Her eyes looked me up and down, like I was someone she was lusting for and I thought back to all the nights I had done the same things with different girls. Her hand pressed down my stomach and then to my crotch. Her fingers traced my length and I forcefully pushed her hand away as soon as I realized what she was trying to do.

TFM: Total Frat Move // h.s. [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora