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Nat was dressing up when I got back in the room and she told me she was going to the party tonight. The same one Apollo had invited me to earlier. Well, I'm not sure if it was necessarily an invite, but he did ask me if I was coming.

"Where've you been by the way?" She side eyed me as I dropped my book bag on the ground by my bed.

"Just, uhh, went for a walk after studying in the library," I took off my black pea coat and draped it on a hook that was on the back of our door.

"Have you talked to Apollo and Kingston since the incident with your face?" She was putting some leather thigh high boots on over her black leggings.

"No," I lied. It slipped easier out of my mouth than I thought it would. "I don't care anyway. I'm going to have to get a plane back to Albuquerque with him next week for Christmas break and I really don't want to have this bull shit over my head."

"Oh I'm sorry, K," she gave me a half frowning face paired with a knowing smile. She was from South Carolina, just a few towns over, and her mom was coming to pick her up this weekend after her last final. I wouldn't see her for the next few weeks until we come back from winter break. I wasn't sure if it made me happy or sad to be away from her for so long after we'd spent countless hours with each other so far this semester.

"No it's ok," I shrugged my shoulders. "I just have to find a way to get Kingston to not tell our mom about this."

"You think he will?" She stood up and dusted off her bottom from the dusty ground.

"I don't know. But I have to get something on him," I plopped down on my standard college dorm mattress.

"Like blackmail?" She laughed and sat at the corner of my bed.

"Or I'm going to have to pout about it and make myself look like a fool enough for him to feel sorry for me," I sighed weighing my options.

"No, you need blackmail," Natalie laughed and flipped her curled blonde hair over her shoulder, reaching for and grabbing my hands, pulling me to sit up straight.

"What?" I chuckled with her, questioning her purpose at messing up my comfort.

"You're getting dressed and coming to the party with me. No drinking just having fun with me."

"Nat, I really shouldn't. I have another final tomorrow," I sighed already feeling myself shift into party-Karlie.

"Just enough time for you to catch Kingston doing something he shouldn't. You know it's bound to happen," Natalie was right. Kingston always had a way at making his mischief secret but I was going to see what he was up to. Then I'll leave.

"Alright, alright, alright!" I stood off the bed and started undressing, letting Nat make me over into the real sorority girl she always dreamed of rooming with.

I wore a black dress that hugged my bottom and showed off my tits immaculately. My senior prom dress didn't even show this much cleavage. I slipped on my black bomber jacket to add another layer for my skin.

"Here, you never even wear these. I think I've worn them more than you," she tossed me a pair of black pantyhose that I caught mid air.

I shimmied them on up my legs and over my hips. I then put on a pair of my combat boots with studs on the side, not really feeling trying to walk in anything else.

"You look really edgy," Natalie laughed before she asked if I wanted to put any make up on when I replied, "Hell no. My face hurts like shit."

After it hit about midnight and we finished studying, I walked over to the frat houses with her, both of us laughing as we slipped and tumbled over the entire way there.

TFM: Total Frat Move // h.s. [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now