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Saturday was uneventful for the most part. Natalie's mother came to pick her up and we went and had breakfast before she left. I had received a few texts from Harry to hang out since we last had breakfast but I didn't reply to any of them. I guessed he got the hint and decided to leave me alone by the time dinner came around tonight.

Penelope and I went and had dinner in the cafe inside the library after we finished studying. I never brought up the fling she had with Harry while still dating Pete, but it shouldn't have mattered to me anyway. Harry and I weren't together in the first place, especially back then around Thanksgiving, we were barely even talking at that point.

"So, what's it like in your dorm now?" Penelope munched on her chicken sandwich.

"Quiet," I laughed and poked my fork around in my salad.

"So do you think Natalie and Kenny are together?" she wanted all of the gossip all of the time and I began to wonder why. It was none of her business if they were...

"I don't know. You'd have to ask them," I sighed looking through the window outside. A group of guys were walking back from the coffee shop across the street and I spotted Pete, Kingston, and Jack. They were all laughing and goofing around as they walked back to their house.

As Penelope talked, I watched Kingston and his demeanor. There was really nothing there that screamed "gay" to me, not that it mattered at all, but I never saw any clues and I still didn't see any. He was still my brother, he still acted like an ass, and still walked around like he was sulking. But I was confused, why did he never tell me?

"Are you even listening to me?" Penelope snapped her fingers in my face.

"What?" I turned to look at her and stabbed a few leafs in my salad.

"Oh, why are you staring at your brother? Oh shit, Pete's with him," she sighed and watched them too.

"So you and Pete aren't a thing anymore?" I asked before placing my first bite into my mouth.

"No," she rolled her eyes and took a harsh sip out of her straw from her styrofoam cup. "He always thought I was sleeping around on him when I totally wasn't. So, I ended it."

I wanted to say something about Harry so incredibly bad, but I also didn't want to be the bitch that she was. It hurt that she was lying straight to my face again, but I just had to accept the fact that I couldn't confide in her and trust her with all of my secrets. It was sad that she had to be this way when I was more than accepting of her.

"That's too bad. I'm sorry, P," I faked a frown and twirled my fork in my salad again.

"It's whatever. I've been seeing Luke, you know Apollo's friend?" she smiled and I raised my brow pretending to be excited again.

"Wow, that's awesome!"

She continued on and on about their conversations and I daydreamed about the conversations I had with Harry these past couple of weeks. It felt like we'd spent so much more time together than just the past couple weeks, but it was true. I'd really only just gotten to know him since then.

"Your phone's ringing?" Penelope snapped her finger in front of my face for the second time and I jumped out of my trance to answer it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"So your phone is working," that British accent spoke to me and I immediately felt the butterflies swarm my torso.

"Har-Apollo! Hey," I looked across the table at Penelope and she shook her head signaling for me to hang up the phone.

"Why have you been ignoring my texts?"

"Whuhh, ugh, I, ummm... You know why," I shut my eyes closed and stood up from the table to step outside to talk to him. I didn't want to give Penelope any more information about the two of us. I no longer trusted the girl I told all of my deepest secrets to.

TFM: Total Frat Move // h.s. [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora