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"Are you drinking tonight?" Harry leaned down in my ear as I handed the bouncer my fake ID that said I was 21 so I could buy some alcoholic drinks.

"Of course," I shrugged and started to walk into the building without him. I didn't need a babysitter.

"Penelope," I giggled as I ran to catch up with her at a table closest to the bar and the pool tables.

The boys were talking as Penelope and I excused ourselves to the ladies room. The air was thick with cigarette smoke and I hoped it wouldn't make me queasy like it usually did. The line to the bathroom thankfully wasn't too long when we got there.

"Are you going to get plastered tonight?" I asked her as we walked into the bathroom during our turn.

"Duh," she rolled her eyes at me. "And if you don't get fucked up with me, it's going to be a boring ass time."

"Penelope, you know I can't. I have my essay exam in the morning. If I fuck that up, I could fuck that class over."

"Boo hoo, lighten up. You seriously need to let loose tonight. It's been too long for you," I stayed at the sink while she went into the stall.

What if I get so fucked up, I'm still drunk during my essay exam? I can't risk messing up that. I had a scholarship and if I failed a class it would be taken away from me. I couldn't do that to my parents.

"I'll have a couple drinks," I sighed when she came out.

"And you better find a charming face in here to make out with," she winked at me before washing her hands and walking out of the bathroom with me right behind her.

As we walked back to the table, our guys had other guys surrounding them. They looked like they were other fraternity brothers, but I wasn't sure. They could even be from another school.

"Hi, I'm Karlie," I reached my hand out to a particular blonde. He had beautiful white teeth with hair not too short, but short enough where his hair couldn't even hold gel or wax. He couldn't have been any more built than Kingston, but I'd almost like to see the two side by side. This guy knew he was hot and he held himself like it, too.

"Matt," he smiled down at me and the rest of the guys told me their names, but I really didn't notice. Matt was going to be my make out tonight.

"Here Karlie," that familiar accent spoke behind me as he stepped between me and Matt. He placed a drink in front of me and I was immediately pissed when I saw that it was a water.

"You're not drinking tonight?" Matt asked me as I clenched my jaw tighter.

"No I am, I've got an exam in the morning though. So I'm trying not to have too good of a time," I eyed Apollo and gave him a cold shoulder when I pushed the water forward again. Apollo and Matt were complete opposites in their stature but I tried to ignore the little voice in my head telling me to stay with Apollo and not Matt.

"That's too bad, about the good time part," Matt smirked down at me and I cheesed a smile up at him. Apollo stiffened and I felt myself start to get excited about the game I was playing. Make him jealous, Karlie. Let him know that I was never his little freshmen skank.

"I'll go get you a real drink," Matt slid off to the bar and I tried to ignore that Harry was standing to my left. He was pissed to say the least. As Matt walked away, I knew he would throw a tantrum.

"What the fuck, Karlie?" He whispered close to my ear.

"I don't need a babysitter, Apollo," I rolled my eyes at him and shifted my weight so I was faced towards Penelope and Jerry.

TFM: Total Frat Move // h.s. [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now