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(I would like to apologize for the late update. I have been going through a terrible break up and just needed some time to think. Also, it's such a joy to be able to write again, so please enjoy the long chapter and comment and vote as you please! -Em)


Martie had an emergency appendectomy, which meant that her appendix had ruptured and it had to be removed as soon as possible. I had gone in to see her with Natalie when it was ok for us to be in there. She wasn't aware of much, but Harry assured us that she was much better after it was removed.

"Are you hungry?" I asked Natalie as we all sat down back in the waiting room. She shook her head no and I realized that she was already holding a bag of chips in her hand.

It was nearing the late afternoon when I began to feel my stomach rumble. I must have not noticed how starving I was until I was sure Martie was doing ok, but now that I'd seen her, my stomach was roaring.

"I need some coffee," Harry stood from his chair and nodded for me to follow him.

Natalie raised her brows and gave me a small smirk as I stood up to walk to the cafeteria. It's not like I was going to flirt with him, his fiancé was on her way and so was his mom and step dad. Why on Earth would I try anything with him? However, if he did push me into a medicine closet to have his way with me, I can't say that I wouldn't let him, because I totally would.

We got in the elevator to go to the bottom floor and I noticed he was strangely quiet. I peeked at him and saw he was staring at me in the reflection of the elevator doors. Uncomfortable with his stare on me, I pushed my hair behind my ears.

"You ok?" He asked me and turned his head to look at me as the elevator doors opened up on the bottom floor.

"I'm fine," I gave him my best attempt at a smile. "And you?"

We stepped in time together as we went down the main hallway toward the end. He sighed and closed his arms over his chest.

"Just great," he chuckled sarcastically. I laughed with him knowing how horribly he felt. I could tell that he didn't want to shove Sarah into my face again, but there was no denying that he was inevitably hers.

"That's a poor attempt at lying to me," I bit my bottom lip and budged my elbow into his arm.

"I think we're both not saying the whole truth, but," he sighed again, "I do think you know more about how I'm feeling than you let on."

I smirked up at him and stayed quiet as we entered the small line in the cafeteria. The salad buffet options looked appetizing and I filled my tray with it and a bowl of yogurt. Harry grabbed a large coffee for him and a small coffee for me.

As we got to the register to pay, I realized I never grabbed my purse from the dorm. Right when I was about to say something, Harry handed the cashier his credit card. I smiled at him giving thanks and he took the receipt and walked with me to a table by a window. It had started to rain outside and I frowned at the idea of having to drive home in that.

"Thanks for the food," I tossed my salad around with my fork.

"Don't mention it," he smiled at me and leaned forward onto his arms on the table.

"Have you had a conversation with Martie or her doctor?" I tried to start small talk with him but he was preoccupied with his own thoughts. "Harry," I tried to grab his attention by saying his name softly and he moved his head back to look at me.

TFM: Total Frat Move // h.s. [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now