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A lot of people couldn't read my previous chapter 33 so I'm posting again. Please let me know if there is any other issues! Thanks!


Harry's POV

The ride back to the hospital without Karlie sitting in my passenger seat felt wrong despite my efforts to push her away. I had said things to her tonight that I truly wasn't sure I believed, but had voiced out anyway. There was a sort of retribution in seeing her and talking to her. She was something, rather someone, I wouldn't allow myself to be with after everything I had already promised Sarah. Other girls before I met Karlie were easy to forget, but Karlie's smart mouth and cheeky personality were imprinted into my mind and I found it hard to forget her during the times I was alone and during times I was with others.

Karlie was impartial to my situation with Sarah. Meaning, she wasn't sure if she should leave me alone to support my family, or if she wanted me completely to her own which would mean to betray everything I had promised for not just my future, but Martie's future, my mom and Glenn's future, even Sarah's and Mr. Smith's future with their family. It would surely be unintentionally damaging, but still highly damaging to everything I had managed for the many years we'd been together.

And yet, here I was thinking about a future with Karlie. I, of course, wouldn't be ready to get married to her like I was ready to get married to Sarah, but I knew Karlie and I got on well. We bickered, but the only times that had occurred was when I was afraid of explaining Sarah or when she had known about Sarah. Although, I was to blame every single time me and Karlie argued since I was the one cheating.

When I had covered for her in New Mexico to the cop for drunk driving, I thought that maybe that was the way I could make it up to her. Just maybe, that was the icing on the cake. She would forgive me when she found out about Sarah... But the look in her face when I saw her for the first time broke something deep inside my chest and I tried to hide it. I tried to cover it up with hugs to my fiancé and smiles on my face, but it wore me down eventually. After school started again, I began to feel the life sucking itself out of me. I didn't want to leave. If I left, it meant I had to leave everything here too. My brothers. My freedoms. My tennis team. My frat house. My Karlie. I had to leave them all behind and go be a real man, a real adult, and a truthful husband to a woman I really didn't love.

The drive to the hospital was fast whether I was speeding or just thinking about life and not really paying attention. I walked into the waiting room to see my mom, Glenn, and Sarah sitting and chatting with each other. My mother was ecstatic that Sarah was so lovely and kind. But I knew Sarah better than anyone and I knew she put on a social face and when it was just us or just her, she was completely different.

"Hey," I sighed sitting down next to my fiancé in the uncomfortable hospital chairs. I reached out and rested my hand in hers and she squeezed it letting me know I could relax.

"Long drive?" She asked, intertwining our fingers now. Her blue eyes stared up into mine and I remembered the day I first asked her out. I was dying to have her. She was the hottest girl in school and she never dated anyone else, so I thought I would never have a chance. However, it turned out that she was waiting for someone to ask her out. All of the guys were afraid to ask her, because they knew she was out of their reach. Not afraid of much myself, I asked and she agreed instantly. 

"Yeah, I dropped my friends off and went to go grab a book from the house," I pulled it up at my other side to show her the small college textbook.

"Are we going back to your frat house or to Glenn's parents' house?" She cuddled into my side holding my hand and laying her head on my shoulder.

"Probably to his parents' house," I sighed opening up the book on my leg.

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