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"Are you hungry?" he asked innocently as he backed away from me, the intense sexual tension already dissipated from his new friendly character.

"Sort of," I pushed my hips off the door and crossed my arms over my chest, my face tight and eyes sore from crying.

"Sort of?" he laughed and went into the door adjacent the hallway we were in. I stayed in the hallway still trying to collect myself from my vulnerability in front of him and took calming breaths through my nose, dispersing my anger, confusion, and unintentional aroused body.

"I guess," I answered back as he walked back out and took the stairs down to the first floor with me following behind him.

"What kind of food do you prefer?" he pulled a book bag strap over his shoulder and eyed me carefully as if I was bound to start crying again.

"Anything," I answered truthfully.

"Salty? Sweet? Bar food? Mexican? Chinese? You have to help a brother out here, Karlie," he chuckled, next swinging his arm over my shoulders and walking us out to the car again.

"I like all of that," I smirked up at him as I pushed him away, breaking all contact so I wouldn't be persuaded to cuddle into him. Dear lord, I think he's making me like him.

"You're impossible, you know?" he frowned and opened my door for me. It was nice to see that chivalry was still alive in South Carolina, because in New Mexico it sure was not. He walked to his side and threw the bag in the back seat, making me wonder what was in it. I didn't want to ask because I didn't know him all too well, and it could be personal for his family.

"Now you sound like Kingston," I laughed and clicked my seat belt in while he turned the car on and backed out of the bumpy driveway.

"Oh God, you really just compared me to your brother?!" he gasped and his accent was thick with the humor he found in it, making my lips turn into a smile with admiration of his personality.

"If the shoe fits..." I smirked out the window rolling my eyes at myself for letting him control my feelings.

"Damn you, Karlie," he sighed with a clear discomfort in his tone and anxiety pooling in his eyes as he looked over at me now staring back at him, wondering why I was being cursed at.

"Do you know how bad I want to kiss you?" he muttered softly, unlike his profanity he slung around loosely earlier this afternoon.

"Well you're driving, so it's probably not a good idea-," I started as he pulled off the side of the road. "Harry! You're going to get a ticket if they catch you on the shoulder like this."

He unbuckled himself and I could feel the butterflies erupting and flying all over my abdomen. I couldn't remember the last time a boy ever made me feel like this, emotional, nervous, confused, and sometimes a little queasy. However, despite my mood disorder, I stayed unmoving in my seat with my mouth open slightly anticipating whatever he wanted from me. He cupped my chin with his hand farthest from me and guided my face to his. The warm touch was long as his lips pressed on mine, soft and full, and I pushed his open, wanting to deepen the kiss.

I slid my tongue on his bottom lip, feeling the ridges from his skin with the winter symptoms causing the cracking, and he soon pressed my face harder against his, his tongue dominating mine. I was now leaning over toward him more than he was me.


I don't need to be doing this. Apollo doesn't need to be thinking about me right now. "St..." I began to push his shoulders back but then he pulled away and gave me a proud smirk as my chest was filling with oxygen trying to catch my breath.

TFM: Total Frat Move // h.s. [COMPLETE]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن