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"Hey Karlie," he flicked his tongue as he spoke my name and leaned into me.

"You're intoxicated, Apollo," I took a few deep breaths and closed my eyes waiting for my minor panic attack to subside.

"Noooo," he shook his head and hiccuped. "I promise I'm fine."

"How about I drive?" I tried to persuade him as I leaned into the car closing the distance between the two of us. My torso brushed against his side and it reminded me how much I loved cuddling with him last night.

"I don't let anyone drive my car, but me," he swirled his head back around to look at the passenger side.

"So you're ready to kill me. Ok, I'll just walk back then. Which way is the freeway?" I backed away from the car and pretended I was walking towards the road, but then he called for me.

"Karlie, come back." I loved the way he said my name. His accent was thick but it was so soft at the same time. He was the only person who gave me butterflies just by saying my it.

"Why? I can't drive your car. Plus, if you want to drive your car drunk, go ahead. I don't give two shits, Apollo." I was still playing him; there was no way I was going to let him drive his car, but I wanted him to see that it was a bad idea rather than making him let me drive.

"Karlie. Wait!" He yelled for me and I turned on my heel to look at him halfway falling out of his car. I laughed as he struggled with his seat belt and I went over to help him. "Dammit."

"Apollo, stop," I chuckled grabbing his hands to calm him. I reached his buckle and released him from the strap. "Thank you," I said as he walked around the front end of the car. This was easier than I thought it would be. He must be sober enough to be a little coherent and understanding.

He plopped back into the passenger seat and I adjusted his seat to my settings. He rolled his eyes as I moved the steering wheel lower, his seat forward, his rear view mirror lower, and his headrest lower. "That is why I don't let people drive my car."

I laughed and let him pick out a radio station. He picked a country station and it surprised me, but then again he grew up in Tennessee. I wondered if all of Tennessee was complete wilderness and country, or everything but Nashville.

"Apollo, where in Tennessee are you from?" I asked hoping his intoxicated state would allow him to be a bit more open.

"Nashville," he said and leaned against the side of the car. I looked over at him and he freaked on me. "Eyes on the road!"

"Sorry," I grinned and bit my bottom lip. "What about your accent? Did you move from England?"

"When I was eight, as a young stupid boy," he smirked over at me and then furrowed his brows.

"You don't like America, do you?" I merged into the highway.

"No, I do. It's just plenty different here than the U. K."

"Do you wish you lived there?" I continued my questions and he was laid back enough to answer them.

"Yes," he looked over at me and I peeked over at him again just as he sat up and yelled, "Eyes on the road!"

"Sorry," I giggled repeating it again.

"No, Nashville's great. There's always something going on. I don't like going home too often though. South Carolina is so much better than home," he sighed and ran his hand through the curls resting on his forehead. I swallowed the lust that began to build up in me from his action and took a deep breath to rid myself of my sins.

TFM: Total Frat Move // h.s. [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now