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Karlie's POV

The afternoon continued on as normal as it could be. Harry hung out with Kingston and Lincoln when they were both back from wherever they went. They were tossing a football in the water now and dunking each other as waves rolled in.

I had been sitting in a chair under an umbrella for some shade with Kenny. His shoulders were worse than any of ours and I felt sorry that he was so burnt, but then again, he was an adult and he knew how to put sunscreen on, so really it was his own fault. As I thought about it, I no longer felt bad for him.

"So you and Natalie, huh?" I started some conversation that I thought would bring the attention off the guys in the water.

He smirked and raised one of his brows, refusing to answer me, but clearly suggesting something was going on. I kind of knew Natalie had a thing for Kenny, but never really asked her about it because of his crush on me. It would have been weird to confront her on her feelings for him when he was clearly running after me.

His clean cut looks always charmed me over and I giggled at him. He was such a typical frat boy. All play and no work, which was his motto that he had told me this semester when we've been sitting next to each other in Sociology. The kid didn't take school seriously one bit and his grades showed it.

"You know she's liked you for a long time but always felt awkward because you know...your thing with me," I looked over at him being serious now. The "thing with him" lasted for such a short amount of time and I didn't understand why he kept going back to it. He needed to fucking move on.

Looking out for my best friend was naturally an instinct and I knew she was watching out for me when it came to Harry, but I knew exactly what I was getting myself into with Harry. It was now my turn to see Kenny's intentions for Natalie, and if they were anything but pure, I was going to string his balls up to the fan in the living room and let him hang from them while the blades spun around and around.

"Karlie, lets not talk about it," he shook his head not wanting to spill his guts to me, but I wouldn't have it.

"Kenny, seriously!" I smiled at him and watched his sunburnt face turn even redder. "You guys are such good friends. Please don't hurt her or yourself. That would just...that would be so awful."

"I've already been hurt, Karlie," he bit the inside of his cheek and then flexed his jaw muscles. The look on his face was now serious and not at all of the boyish charm he previously had. It reminded me of Abe and how mad he could get. The two of them shared the same mannerisms and I always wondered if that was why I no longer had feelings for Kenny, but then I remembered that Kenny could be a huge douche bag just as much as Abe could be.

"You hurt me a lot when you chose Apollo over me," he sighed and paused for a moment letting his words sink into the air around us. "You know Apollo will never choose you over Sarah, right? He's leaving in two months and he'll never have to see you again," he scoffed with a mocking tone. He was too much of a douche to even look at me as he spoke his mind, only staring ahead at the guys goofing off as they walked out of the ocean to the beach.

Tears sprung instantly in my eyes, but I blinked them away before he or anyone else close enough could see how much his words affected me.

"That's why I will never choose you," I swallowed the emotions in my throat and stared forward at the man walking up the beach who had my heart in his pocket. Harry's eyes found mine and I gave him a soft smile. "You're not him and you'll never be him. If you use Natalie or take advantage of her feelings, Kenny, I will ruin your life," I turned my head to look at Kenny.

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