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I still wasn't feeling that well when I got back to our house from the airport. The rest of the night I decided to sleep and lounge around since I knew I would be meeting my friends tomorrow. I couldn't wait to tell them all about life at college and all the gossip along with it.

The next day I wore a long sleeve shirt and a pair of jeans with some ankle booties to go out to eat lunch with some of my old friends from high school. When I pulled up in Kingston's old truck, that was handed down to me after he graduated high school, I quickly realized that some of the people waiting were in fact not friends. They were once upon a time, but after last year, there was no way in hell I was about to sit down and eat with them.

I had already parked the car in front when I caught his eye. He must have maneuvered his way into the luncheon some how. He smiled and waved at me like I hadn't broken his heart and then ruined his life last year.

Once I got out of the car, I walked up the sidewalk and gave all of my friends hugs.

"Karlie," Sebastian came over to me and pulled me into his tall hug. "It's been a long time."

"Yeah, it has," I diverted my eyes quickly from any where near him. I looked over to my good friend Shelby to see how she was reacting.

Shelby was completely calm and that scared me more than seeing Sebastian. What the fucking hell was going on?

"Is this a joke?" I looked up at Sebastian beginning to feel pissed off and no longer up for the fake smiles I was giving.

"What?" Sebastian's face reddened and his grey eyes diverted to our old friends.

"Is this a joke?" I repeated as my chest began to pump with short, staccato breaths. The old friends of mine began to all look at each other, probably hoping that one of them would diffuse the bomb they created in me by bringing Sebastian.

"Karlie, we just wanted to have a nice lunch with everyone," Shelby started to play into the game. "Sebastian's our friend just as much as you are."

"Seriously?" I raised my eye brows and scoffed at the tall blonde who I had once considered my closest friend. "Then why did no one tell me? Are you guys trying to set me up?"

"Set you up with what?!" Shelby was standing up for him and it pissed me off more than it probably should have.

"Anything!" I spoke completely hot with anger. My heart began to beat faster and my breathing picked up a tad bit more than it had previously. "You really thought I could sit here with him and be able to eat food? I can't even look at him, Shelby!"

The bunch of friends were all standing awkwardly to the side, leaving me, Sebastian, and Shelby to deal with our conflict.

"No, you know what? Fuck you all. I don't need this," I twisted on my heel and went down the steps of the restaurant back to Kingston's old car.

"Karlie, wait!" my friend Taylor screamed after me.

I ignored her persistent effort to grab my attention when I got into the car, but she was at my door holding it open before I could close it. The dark skin of hers looked beautiful wearing her red cardigan and her light eyes caught mine when all I wanted was to cry.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know he was coming," she was just as upset as I was when I was the only one who should be feeling as guilty as I did. I bit my bottom lip and closed my eye shut reliving one of the worst weeks of my life.

"Its fine. I need to leave," I looked back up at her and clenched my fists around my steering wheel.

"I'm so sorry, Karlie. It's not just your fault...I helped too," she backed away from the car and I slammed my door.

I needed to get out of here and I needed to do it quickly. Before I could pull out of the parking space, my phone started ringing and I looked down to see that it was Harry calling.

I answered it, "Hey."

"Hey, what are you doing?" he mumbled.

"Nothing," I sighed and slouched into my seat, leaning my head against the foggy window. "I'm not doing anything."

"I'm still ok to come tomorrow right? You still would like to see me?" his voice sounded even more raspy on the phone than it did in real life.

"Yes, I can't wait to see you. Honestly, everything here has been total bull crap and I cannot wait to be back in South Carolina."

"Seriously? You're trading Albuquerque for South Carolina?"

"I'm trading the whole south west for South Carolina," I laughed and sniffled my nose.

"Are you ok?" he asked and I heard a female voice yelling at him to come downstairs. I assumed it was Martie and that he was in Nashville with his family. He must be miserable too. I knew he didn't like it there. But I wasn't sure if there was a place he did like. "Are you ok?" he repeated.

"I will be when you get here. I'll let you go. Tell Martie I said hello," I hung up the phone before he could say goodbye. My chin started trembling and my tears began to pour from my eyes like a water slide down my cheeks. I needed him to come to me and I needed him to hold me and take me away from this awful place.

It took me awhile to regain my composure before driving back home to have dinner with my mom and Kingston. The two of them were talking about what we would be having for Christmas dinner in a week or two, but I tuned them out and went upstairs to my room. I hadn't been feeling well since I got on the plane a few days ago, but it's just a little bug I caught from school or something. That's what our neighbor told me. She was a nurse, retired two years ago, and she's been diagnosing me since I was seven or eight.

The day went by slow and I watched too many episodes on Netflix of stupid shows I would probably never watch ever again. But, I was bored and I was trying to pass the time as quickly as possible. All I wanted was to see Harry's smiling face tomorrow.




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