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"Karlie," my shoulders shook and my eyes shot open. I was still outside, now covered in the morning dew along with the grass and still trees. I had a button up resting over my skin to hide me away from the morning breeze. I lifted it up and questioned why it was there. Why was I even outside sleeping?

Momentarily forgetting the girl who woke me up, she reminded me of her presence by snatching the shirt from my hands.

"Hey!" I whined feeling the absence of warmth it had given me, with my bare legs in shorts revealed to the brittle morning breeze, goosebumps popped up on my skin.

"Get inside to my room," it was the girl that told me to go outside yesterday. The one with the symmetrical face and beauty beyond any average person had known. "Now!"

I tore my eyes from her perfect face and stiffly walked back inside to the sorority house, rubbing the kinks out of my neck and popping my joints with each step up the stairs.

I followed her as she walked to the third floor, the same floor Marirose was on, and to the first bedroom on the right. The door had the name 'Martie' on it in pink wooden letters that were bedazzled around the border. She went inside and I followed her in for whatever reason she was coming up with.

The room was smaller than Marirose's, but it was a single room, meaning she didn't have a roommate, which was probably incredibly nice in a house full of girls. The room smelled of clean laundry and I looked on her floor and didn't see any piece of clothing laying around. This girl cannot be human.

"Why was Harry's shirt on you last night? If the other girls found you like that you would have been fined," she whispered lightly and I imagined the walls must be as thin as copy paper.

"I don't know?" I frowned and ran my fingers through my damp hair.

"Was he out there last night with you?" she was interrogating me and I was feeling really attacked. Why did it matter to her if Harry was out there last night?

"Why does it matter?" I sat down on the corner of her bed with a white duvet crinkled up on its mattress.

"It matters because I'm trying to help you, Karlie," she spoke normally and I immediately became unsettled with her tone. "Harry is notorious at meddling around with girls and making the sororities enemies rather than lifting each other up. I don't want you to have to be in the middle of that."

I stayed quiet and tried to consider what she was relaying to me. It made sense, but I was still confused as to why he chose me to 'meddle' with. Kingston probably put him up to it. I couldn't wait until he graduated in two years so I could have free reign over greek life like I should have now.

"He was out there last night, you know, when I went out there," I spoke like a defeated kindergartener, dragging my words out and keeping my voice low.

She sighed and I felt the tension rise in her chest as it did the same in mine. The room was slowly becoming darker and I realized my eyelids were heavy. What time was it? Did I sleep outside for very long?

"Alright just sleep in here. I need to go out anyways," she shut the door behind her as she left and I imagined she went to go study or whatever someone like her does at this wee hour of the morning.

I pulled my shoes off and snuggled into her still warm bed from where she occupied earlier. The house grew quiet and I drifted back into rare welcoming sleep.

After the long weekend, I was back in classes and I wasn't particularly fond of that. My history class was the worst. I sat in the front row by the wall and waited for the hour and fifteen minutes to be over along with another one hundred or so students. It was my last class of the day, so I went to go sit in the library to study my notes and do my homework for my other classes tomorrow.

I pulled my Mac Book out and set it on the table with my notebook to it's right. I forgot then that I had some strawberries this morning from the dining hall so I could do my homework in the library during lunch time.

Reading over the lecture notes from history and trying to grasp the concept, I googled some documentary videos our professor told us we should watch. I turned to look for my headphones in my book bag and heard the giggles walking my way. It looked like some other freshmen girls like me, but not as gullible, were accompanied by Harry. I shifted back into my seat and hoped he didn't see me.

"Oh, I'll see you two later," he spoke behind me and I knew then that he was lining me up waiting for his chance to back me into a corner.

The chair on my right pulled out and I turned my head looking at him. He wore a navy blue striped shirt and black jeans that seemed to match his soul more than his shirt.

"I see you took my advice," I paused the video and pooched out my lips no longer looking at him. The library was supposed to be a quiet place but so far I've encountered giggling girls and annoying men who don't know how to take a hint.

"I thought maybe I'd give it a try," he sat back and I looked at him once more with confusion, but not letting it show on my face.

I leaned into him so I could whisper and take him off his highchair, "I don't think you're trying hard enough, Harry."

I visibly upset him with his name and my smirk.

He leaned back into me and put his lips right at my ear, the movement itself wafted up his cologne into my face and I had to be reminded that I disliked him, but it wasn't hard to recall when he voiced out his remark, "Careful."

He threatened with one word and it chilled me to the bone. I raised my arm and shoved his chest from hovering over me to put him back in his seat with force. I bit the inside of my cheek and clenched my fingers together so he wouldn't see my hands shaking. He took a strawberry from my plastic bag and placed it between his lips and teeth.

"See you around," he got up and left.

My chest tightened and I had to take soothing breaths to relax it back to my normal state. I no longer could focus on studying with my mind drifting to the far off land that was Apollo.

And until after thanksgiving break break, I didn't see him, or I didn't talk to him. He stayed away and I was becoming more aware to the fact that he pretended I didn't even exist. Kenny stayed away too. I wasn't sure if it was Harry making him do that, or if he generally didn't want to be around me. Either way, he was being a piece of shit to do so.

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