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Karlie's POV

"Martie because she reminds you of me. Kenny because he still has feelings for you. Penelope because she's Penelope. Abe because he's shady as fuck. Kingston because he's your brother and an asshole sometimes. And then Natalie, but I'd run from her too," Harry spoke without fear of my hardened stare at him.

I rolled my eyes again at what he thought my excuse for leaving was and laughed at the part about Natalie.

As I stared back down at my half eaten meal and heard his soft but serious words create a whirlwind in my brain. "Don't roll your eyes at me, Karlie. I still haven't shown you what happens in the back of my jeep."

As soon as he said my name, my eyes widened and I stared up at him realizing how close he had leaned forward to talk to me. Then I spoke without thinking, "It's not your jeep."

His mouth parted into his infamous smirk and I felt my entire face turn bright red. His eyes narrowed down at me as if he was testing me and then he ran his eyes from both of mine down to my lips then back up to my eyes.

"I'll see you in the car then," his eyes turned into little slits and he pursed his mouth as he left me with the food. I sat there a little dazed and completely confused for a moment. Then I reached across the table and took a bite of his remaining sandwich.

The seconds ticked by and I felt my entire body anticipating whatever I would be getting myself into when I chose to get in his car. The restaurant felt like it was getting smaller and smaller as I continued to sit there. My palms began sweating and my stomach was doing flips as I gathered the trash feeling horrible that I wasn't able to finish the waffle fries and chicken nuggets. Then it hit me that I could take them with me. I walked up to the counter and asked for a to-go bag.

I turned from the counter after putting the rest of our food in the bag and saw Harry waiting for me at the door. My breath stopped in my chest and I gave him a small smile as I continued to walk forward to him. He must have been worried that I was ignoring his gesture before.

"Of course you're getting a to-go bag," he laughed to himself and I looked over at him to my left and gave him a little playful shove. I heard a loud screech of tires coming from my right and I saw panic register on Harry's face as his hands reached out to grab me. "No!"

My head twisted and my stomach dropped to the depths of hell as I saw a car swerve from hitting me into Harry's jeep, crushing it and pushing it into oncoming traffic making it roll repeatedly across the median. My throat clenched shut and all I could feel was Harry pulling me away from it all with his arms tightly around my torso, lifting my feet off the ground and breathing heavy in my ear. Both of our hearts were pounding hard and I soon felt tears spring in my eyes as the driver of the vehicle stepped out.

His face was beyond pale as he looked into the mess of glass, metal, and smushed car parts in the road. He had hit Harry's jeep and then it was hit numerous amounts of times by other cars in the road driving across the intersection. The man pulled at the roots of his hair and I sort-of felt bad for him, but it was his fault.

Harry held me to his chest and I turned in his arms to shove my face into his neck closing my eyes and trying to control my breathing.

"You're ok," he rested his cheek on top of my head and rubbed my back. My hands reached up and I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling myself closer to him. My heart was running a mile a minute and I felt like it could run right out of my chest at any second.

TFM: Total Frat Move // h.s. [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now