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(double post because I left y'all hanging for like a couple weeks lol srry about that BUT here's some juicy shit ok xoxo)

His hand pushed back the hair on my face as I woke up. I looked outside his stained glass window and saw that it was still dark out. I curled back into his side and held my forehead feeling the pounding headache from my hangover. I could only have slept for two hours when I woke.

When I started kissing Harry, I was hoping that we would finally have sex, but we didn't. After we kissed for a long time, he slowed us down and handed me some of his clothes to sleep in. I was drunk enough to change in front of him but I honestly didn't give two shits.

"Good morning," he smiled down at me.

"Morning," I sighed and decided I should scoot farther away from him.

"Do you want me to tell you why? Why I keep kissing you even though I have a fiancé," he looked over at me and I shut my eyes forgetting what he had promised just a few hours ago.

I grunted as I sat up and reached for a pair of my jeans on his floor. I took the pair of cotton boxers and shoved them down my thighs. I slid my jeans on and over my hips. I stayed in his black t-shirt and put my jacket on over it.

"Karlie? Are you ignoring me?" I heard him sit up with the bed sheets swishing against his clothes and skin.

"Apollo," I sighed and turned to look at him. I hadn't meant to call him Apollo, but it came out and I knew immediately that I needed to apologize for it, but I didn't. "Harry, listen, I don't want to know. I shouldn't have even come here. I don't want this to happen again. I don't want to see you again."

"No," he protested as he stood up and walked over to me. I reached my hands up to stop him from getting any closer.

"You're getting married. And she's so kind. You need to get your act together and man up. If you're not going to do it for her, man up for yourself."

"I don't want to marry her," he took a cautionary step toward me and I backed away.

"I don't want to hear anymore," I shook my head and put my hand on the door knob.

"Don't go," he frowned and put his hands on his head. "Karlie, don't. Please, what can I do to make you stay?" He was begging me now. His eyes were drooping and his body was tense with the trembles that he was trying to hide.

"There's nothing you can do," I laughed. He couldn't seriously be begging me to be his side chick. "Stay away from me and I promise this won't happen again. I'm sorry I came and tempted you. I shouldn't have even allowed myself to talk to you."

"No, stay," he took another step toward me but then backed up when he saw me cringe.

"You allowed me to kiss you and flirt with you when you knew you had someone else. You've been engaged for two years," my chin quivered and I shook my head at him.

"Stay," he repeated, unable to actually hold an intelligent conversation and apologize for what he had done to me.

"No," I turned and slammed the door behind me. I took a few breaths as I went down the dark hallway. Thankfully, everyone was still asleep from the party or back at their rooms when I left the frat house from the back door. I took my walk of shame slowly back to my dorm room where Natalie wasn't sleeping.

I plopped down on my bed and cried. What did he expect me to do? Did he want me to be ok with being his side chick? Why didn't he want to get married to Sarah? She was beautiful, loyal, and his. They had already been together for so long. I couldn't imagine that they would not get along.

The next few weeks went by slowly as I accustomed back to a school schedule. I decided I would major in pre-law and start down on that path and see where it took me. I hung out with Kenny and Natalie a ton whenever I felt like I needed some interaction.

Penelope had started a rumor that I was sleeping with both Abe and Kenny, but little did she know I wasn't sleeping with anyone. I wasn't even talking to Abe anymore. Harry had stopped all interaction with her when the story started and it made me glad that he chose me over her. Not that it should have mattered, but I still looked for him in class to see what he was wearing and how he looked. He seemed to be doing ok, but I knew him well enough to know that there was more to just seeing the facade he put on.

His eyes never met mine and his pencil never met his notebook during class. All of which made me wonder if he was doing fine at all. It was unlikely that he didn't care about his grades. He always pretended that he didn't care about classes and his GPA but I knew he would spend hours studying for an exam. His major was difficult and he had been getting all A's in his classes since freshmen year.

I was at the library when I got a text from Martie.

Miss you. Think we need to hang soon and talk -Martie

I'm at the library right now if you want to come visit - Karlie

On my way! - Martie

It took her ten minutes to open the door of the room I was studying in. She smiled at me and sat down in the chair across the table from me.

"How've you been wth everything?" She asked the obvious.

"I'm ok," I sighed and took a sip of my coffee. This conversation seemed to be taking a nose dive right into a pile of manure.

"Good. I've been worried about how you're handling...it. I just haven't known how to approach the subject yet," she clearly was struggling with saying the words that bothered me intently.

"Well, it is kind of difficult to talk to someone when you could've stopped their humiliation months ago," I shut my computer closed and stared at her with absolutely no emotion showing.

"They weren't back together until just before Christmas break. Harry had called off the engagement at the beginning of the school year, but you don't realize how much pressure he is under to marry her. If he doesn't marry her, our family..." She shook her head. "You don't understand how serious this is to our family. Sarah's father is a leading business man in Nashville and he's offered Harry an executive position in one of his companies. If Harry doesn't marry her, he doesn't get the job, and if Harry doesn't get the job, then our family will lose everything. We barely have anything to begin with. The only thing keeping the two of us in college is Sarah's dad and the scholarship he's given both of us."

I sat there and stared at her for a moment. Harry wasn't choosing Sarah, he was choosing a job to support his family. A family that he pretended didn't mean anything to him.

"He tried to tell me the other night, but I didn't listen," I sighed and ran my hand threw my hair, something that I had been doing a ton lately.

"You mean a lot to him. I'd hate to see you two throw away the connection you have, but he's got to do this for our family. He has to," Martie frowned and looked down at her feet. "He's doing bad in school right now. Can you help him? I understand if it's too much to ask of you, but I know you have a class with him."

"I'll see," I sighed and looked at the time on my phone.

"Thanks," she smiled at me. "I'm sorry I never told you about Sarah, but I never thought it would come down to that."

"Me either," I shoved my laptop in my book bag and stood up to leave. "I'll see you later."


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